Donald Trump Has Declared War on America …

  • … as we have known her since at least the Civil War.

People. I don’t want elaborate on why “Russia, if your listening” cannot be treated like there’s nothing wrong with enrolling active foreign enemies as allies in US presidential elections. That was the first shot across the bow in the Cyber War of 2016 which blossomed into getting a traitor to democracy into the White House. And it was brilliant. Trump says something to announce a Russo-Republican alliance to see if there is a reaction. If the administration treats it as all’s fair in love, war and politics, – they know they can keep ramping it up. And they have. We have done little to stop them.

Estimating how far Putin and his ally Donald Trump will go to end democracy should be easy. Look at what Putin is doing in the Ukraine an dhas done to his polltical rivals. He’s not afraid to kill people to get his way. Putin’s another one of those ” I don’t really care, do you?” presidents.

There’s no point is trying to school the Biden administration on how to deal with a seemingly manicial foreign president. So far, they’re not listening to me – and many others. Putin is a KGB-trained master strategist. It would be naive to think Vladimir Putin has not recorded strategy sessions with Donald Trump and his inner circle. Therefore, the smart US citizen’s assumption should be that Trump has been compromised and is an ally of the same man the USA is currently fighting against in Ukraine. We are at war with Putin. And we know Trump and the GOP are his allies. Why that does not mean we are at war with Trump and the GOP is beyond me.

The relationship with the GOP predates the formal aliiance with Donald Trump. There were Russian emmisaries at the 2016 GOP convention. Once again, assume those who made deals with Russians have been taped and rewarded. The reward was Putin conducted a relentless media attack versus Hillary Clinton, his sworn enemy, and it worked.

Are not allies of our enemies on the battlefield traitors any more? I recall in WW2 that’s how it was. But it’s a different kind if war now: cyber war. The goals are the same as in WW2: end democracy and rule the planet. But there are no bombs this time. That is Putin’s genius. I wrote about it here. Trump and his allies have declared war and are engaged in an active battle versus our democracy – and our women. Joe Biden has not declared war back.

Joe Biden should declare war againt any person, party or organization, foreign or domestic, that seeks to corrupt or sow distrust in our sacred elections. In war, we arrest perpetrators for their crimes aginst the USA immediately.There are no delays for trials. They cannot be afforded. Keeping traitors to democracy jailed at least until the election is over is the opposite of blocking the wheels of justice for traitors in all of Donald Trump’s trials. They take actions – we do not. Democracy’s enemies are winning. Leaving the war up to the electorate is not smart. This is heads the war goes on, tails we lose democracy.

I know the democrats in power have read Project 2025. They know what is coming our way if we give this Russo-Republican Alliance access to our government. Any politician who still says the last election was rigged, even though sixty courts found no evidence of could have their powers taken away if Biden declares we ar at war as framed in bold above. Biden also needs to investigate the top Republicans who spoke with Putin’s emmisaries early in 2016. If not done, he’s underestimating how far these people will go to get their way. Trump is not kidding when he says this is their last chance to take America. Trump and his allies know that much. The next few months are also our last chance to save democracy.

These people were fine with Hang Mike Pence. They will sleep like babies while planning Bump Off Biden. They’re doing in now in their own way by riling up hate against democrats. And who knows what goes on behind closed doors? Trump believes he can beat Kamala. It’s the only reason I think Biden should have someone who can beat Trump as his VP.

Enough said? Never enough. If declaring war against those who would attack or foster distrust in our elections were treated as the acts of treason that they are, none of this would ever have happened.

Joseph Goebbels: “The big joke on democracy is that it gives its mortal enemies the tools to enable its own destruction.”

Joe Biden: Declare war on any person, organization, or government official who uses words that attack or seed distrust in our sacred elections. That includes Fox News and social media.Then it’s all good. Just don’t relax until the threat is truly put to rest.

Joseph Aronesty

josepharonesty @josephsword

myname at gmailDOTcom

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Author: josephsword - Joseph Aronesty is a graduate of University of Pennsylvania 1967-1971. Published songwriter and father of 5 sons. Discovered that English letters are hieroglyphs for a Stone Age language code that began about 100,000 years ago in Africa, derived from the body/sign language we used as hunters. His book "Deciphering the English Code" conveys this in a way one can understand. He is also one of the world's ground level e-commerce pioneers.

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