Why Trump Won 2016

  • … and can he win again in November?

I got to thinking about the most notorious leaders in today’s dictatorships: Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un, King and Mohammed bin Salmon of Saudi Arabia, Bashar al-Assad of Syria, Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran, and China’s Xi Jinping. Not one of them are stupid enough to be caught saying I grab women by the p*ssy because I’m a star and they let me do it. Trump’s total lack of class or dignity stands alone, even among despots. Sometimes his immature verbal potty mouth is touted by media as an attribute for his “fans”.

Access Hollywood was arguably the biggest gaff in presidential election history and it bounced off Trump like water off a duck’s back. People began to say in flyover over country they liked this locker room talk stuff – so it was a good thing for Trump. But that’s too easy. There is more to understand. Sloughing it off on Trump’s garish style truly misses the mark.

Americans have endured eight years of Republicans fighting with Democrats during our first not-pure-white president’s terms; then four years of a president who never thought a day in his life about serving anyone but his own self; then covid; then inflation, finally leaving us with high interest rates in a nation with too many debtors. Americans have gripes. Both sides. And to make matters worse, all of these crises are left to be dealt with by a seemingly intentional do-nothing Congress.

This is why the flyover country developed an appetite for a guy like Trump in the first place. It was not about trash talk and Trump’s divisive American vs. American hate speech. Many people were just weary and sick of the people in Washington DC for years of ignoring their needs and taxing them in so many ways, while giving back the bare minimum.

The vampires in DC are skimming our common wealth. It is corruption. That was the first gripe of middle America. It is still a valid gripe. The meme is: all politicians are corrupt so what is the difference? We hear of the Big Lie. Well this is the Big Gripe. It stretches back to the Reagan meme that the government is the enemy. It is why Biden does not get credit for being a better man and president than Trump.

And the corruption exists on both sides. We all know politicians – no need to mention names – whose family members reap benefits from advance knowledge of government dealings. That is corruption, and to make it legal is to day its is okay to be corrupt and that fuels an appetite for a new kind of politician – which Biden is not. Trump, in many ways, just does the quiet part of corruption out loud. In some ways, it’s less sneaky than what Biden does.

We have endured about forty years of government officials governing by the greed is good mantra. MAGA folks were unified in one thing; hating the people in our government, and the way government treats them. They wanted something that felt like change. Trump gave them that hope. But he had four years to drain the swamp, and instead it just got swampier.

Polls tell us the Democrats want change too. I do.I was one of the first to recognize Trump was allied with Russia because I knew him from AC NJ, and there was a Russian mob component active there in that “carney” town in the 80s. He fell in love with Putin during the Miss World pageants in Moscow. Everyone who knew him knew that. Atlantic City is a small town. Everyone knew what Donnie was up to.

2024 presents voters with the starkest contrast between two agendas since the Civil War. Biden is trying to preserve the functioning of the institution of free and fair elections – of people deciding who should make the laws we all must agree to live by. Trump is fighting for his life to stay out of jail, and says he will create an agenda to run America a new way. But most Americans know he is running to keep himself and his family out of jail for life.

I stand with the MAGA people on their complaint that we need a change. Most Americans do. My big gripe against the “establishment” is interest rates. Contrary to the FED, high rates will not curb inflation this time around. This is not the 70s. In the 70s people had almost no credit card debt. Credit cards were relatively new back then. Many owned their homes with VA loans post WW2.

This time, higher rates are raising financial pressure on working people by causing higher prices. The price of money, in a nation that is living week to week, causes the inflation high rates are advertised to curb. High rates favor those that have the money to lend. Landlords must raise rents to pay off their loans; and mortgages and college loan costs take up much more of a family’s income these days. It feels like a plot to destroy the middle class to me. Same thing the new American oligarchs will do if we elect Trump. Soon, banks will be foreclosing on properties due to these high rates.

SO yea, I have my gripes against the way the US government favors corporations over working people. That however does not cloud my assessment of Donald Trump. I know him too well to believe he cares about anyone but himself.

Economic justice should count as much as criminal justice; in fact more so because criminal behavior involves a small percentage of Americans, while economic justice involves us all. So, equal justice under the law is basically a lie. The word tax is a form of the word take. If a billionaire pays a lower tax rate than a working person, how is that equal justice under the law?

It’s not the institutions themselves that Americans disrespect. No one is going around saying free and fair elections is a bad idea. What we are all saying is that the people in government don’t work for us much anymore. And the the voices of the fully honest politicans are drowned out by the chorus of corruption that has existed in DC since anyone living can remember.

We know there is a better way. It starts with ending corruption. It does not start with making a president immune from criminal prosecution. The way out of this mess is to make Americans proud of the people in their government again. That begins with qualifications for holding office being upped and careful vetting of any candidates financial ties and past work ethics and experience. That cannot begin with a more authoritarian government.

We must never forget one of Trump’s first acts as president was to lower corporate taxes, which forces working people to shoulder a larger percentage of the expense to run a government.

Biden can function fine as the gateway to a new America. Unlike Trump, he knows he is mortal and takes pride in trying to turn the wheels of government over to a new generation. Then it will be up to the new generation to fix what is broken for working people in this country.

I do think Biden needs to grow a pair, as they say. Leaving Merrick Garland in as AG is something no real Americans respect. He’s done a lousy job prosecuting government corruption. Trump will not be tried for the crimes against this country before Novemeber. The biggest crime in US history was filmed live on January 6th. If the man Biden has in the position to see justice done for that crime cannot bring about a trial in three years, he needed to be fired. I ask all people who love this country to find a way to complian loudly about Merricak Garland staying on as our AG.

Trump knew how to fire people at least. Yes, for the wrong reasons, but he knew how to do it. Biden seems not to be able to fire anybody for the right reasons. All we can do now is hope the sheer unchristian ugliness of the Trump, his alies – domestic and foreign, and the spewing of their hateful, vengeful, divisive words will get Americans to wake up when it counts the most, in November.

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Football, Politics and Armageddon

This Lions Niners game is so cool so far in the first half of the game. Lions are big dogs and have a commanding early lead. I get to thinking about how nature works, how earth’s creatures evolve to their environments and the cultural importance of sports.

The beautiful thing about football (and sports) is that it tries to be as fair as humanly possible. There are rules of engagement and a rule book. All play by the same rules. No one is supposed to get killed or suffer a life-threatening injuries to emerge victorious. It’s a game of war, but not a war. The winners get the pre-arranged spoils of the war game, and the losers accept the results and go home without crying that refs fixed the game.

If the world ran like this, there would be no wars. I’m thinking on how much the human experience on Earth has changed in my lifetime. And yes, stayed the same. And i find myself hoping that we find a way to resolve our differences wihout war on day soon, like we do in sports, because its getting way too dangerous on the planet and there are decent odds we won’t survive as a species much longer.

We’d feel safer in a world run like football, because it would be safer. We all know, from age nine the planet is currently skating on this ice, on many levels. Do I have to enumerate the dangers. I don’t think so.

Kids know it without saying. It’s too sad to put into words for them. But they feel it. And they are evolving in front of our eyes to accomodate their new environment. There are more and more children identifying as birth sex because their spirits are telling them it might be cruel to bring children into the world they see unwinding ahead of them. This is an undercurrent in everyone’s life on Earth today. Our animal friends feel it too.

It’s always been true that we are all passengers on a sort of Titanic and we’re not getting off the ship alive. But we never had to think the ship was going down killing everyone. It was more like we all would fall in the ocean one day and slip away. Everything that lives goes away one day. That’s never going to change.

  • The Saddest Meme in A Million Years

Today, a substantial percentage of young humans now feel the entire ship will go down taking everyone with it. Many are choosing not to procreate and bring up a new generation, the way its been done for a million years. This is the saddest meme in a million years. Our species is self-destructing and we are watching it happen “live on Facebook” – broadcasted worldwide on our media.

The struggle between democracy and autocracy aggravates the problem, increasing the odds of annihilation. Putin’s autocracy is particulary to blame because he has the most nuclear weapons and is imperialistic and aggressive.

  • Why America Seems to Ignore the Danger

There is a faction in the Evangelist Church that welcomes Armageddon. They believe words in their book of rules. it says they will go to heaven after Armageddon. And they have their man running for the president of the United States -again. They are fine with the end of the world.

  • The Russo-Republican Alliance

An alliance exists between the Republican Party and our declared enemy in a proxy war in Ukraine, Vladimir Putin. We all saw the alliance begin at the Republican Convention is 2016. Donald Trump was just a candidate then. The Republicans reduced sanctions on Putin. For that, Putin launched the Fancy Bear cyber war, convinced disillusioned Americans Hillary was a criminal, and got Trump, a sociopathic lifelong criminal, elected president of the United States of America. A private investigation into the 2016 Republican Convention is long overdo. Right now – early 2024 – is the time for that to happen. The Russo-Republican Alliance should be branded as such.

  • the Friend to Our Enemy is Our Enemy

it is no wonder the Republicans now want to end aid to Ukraine. They are allied. And a friend to our enemy must be our enemy or we are just stupid. Donald Trump and Putin have made human existence more dangerous for all eight billion of us.

The saddest thing is that many of our children know this, - straight kids and those who are making other choices. This is also why this Evangelist cult push “don’t even say gay”. Those that think outside of their book’s guidelines are a danger to their book. Eventually they will want to stop everyone from believing anything but what is in their fifteen hundred year old book; Jesus. Armageddon. Rapture. They say they are trying to help their kids, but the way to hlep is to make the underlying reaons this cultural chift is happening trend in another direction. That takes work, coordination between countries, arms reductions, peace treaties, and running the planet more like a football game.

The alliance between Donald Trump and Putin has sailed our Titanic to a clear and presently dangerous sea. It it’s the saddest meme in a million years because there are so many ways the world could end now – every day. There’seven a thing called the doomsday clock. The animals, the climate, the news, our children are telling us. One wrong moment and it is over for all of us now.

  • Religion and Politics Do Not Mix Well

Our Founding Fathers warned us not to mix religion and politics. But they could not imagine there would one day be weapons that could destroy all life on earth. Some of these men are criminal madmen, killers, drug dealers, convicted rapists and sociopaths. Sounds like Trump’s Mexican immigrant warning. it’s more about him and his friends though.

Our Constitution is our country’s rule book. Our president and our miltary swear an oath to honor and protect America and the US Constitution. They are not doing a great job at protecting us. They are leaving that up to us this November. But don’t they see that won’t stop the Russo-Republican Alliance?

Those in Congress who side with our declared enemies, like Putin, Hammas, Iran, and our domestic insurrectionists too, must have their offices and seats locked followin the 14th Amendment in the rule book of our country. It’s not up to the Supreme Court either. The language is clear. Further, we are at war with an ally of the Republican Party, – so we are indeed at war with the Republican Party, just as Germany was in 1945. You know what they did? They banned their Nationalist Party from politics, Brazil did the same to Bolsonaro.

New special elections can be organized before November.

I could go on. But it’s fourth quarter and very exciting. Looks like a bad call by the Lions’ coach could have cost Detroit a fifty-fifty chance at winning. It’s going to be San Francisco vs Kansas City.

Hmm . The iconic Democratic California versus iconic Republican Kansas. Anyone want to play a football game for for the presidency? But we have to agree, the loser goes home.

Women United to Save American Democracy

This simple plan, put into action, can save the United States from what is now projected as a high risk of falling prey to fascism in 2024.

So here we are, fellow Americans. We are in a domestic war, but there are no bombs. It’s a cyber war. Putin’s genius really. He knew he could never beat the USA with bombs. The weapons of his cyber war are words. Remember “sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never harm me”? Well, that’s not true anymore.

Words are what laws are created from. In any societal structure, breaking laws is punishable by force. Historically, fascists have changed the laws of their country to suit their own personal schemes and purposes, often on their first day in office. Fascists are basically zealous financial criminals who will stop at nothing to secure and hold the reins of a government, with all its enforcement tentacles.

Therefore, in a nation of laws, it is imperative that both its citizens and leaders citizens are both knowledgeable and respectful of US history and its Constitution. That is not true in an autocracy. The news in recent years should have taught all Americans that the potential for elected officials to act in corrupt and/or self-interest, rather than the public’s interest, is a very real thing. Common sense and the rule of law demand that all sworn-in officers of the USA must be held accountable for violations of their vows to protect and defend our constitution in a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

2024 should be a year to do more of the “by the people” so 2025 can be more “for the people”.

Beating the “Fake News” Meme

The Republicans have strategically poisoned the well of truth dispensed by media so whatever their base might hear on truthful media is instantly branded as fake news. This GOP strategy, like it or not, is functionally brilliant. It works like a chess move made early in a game that pays benefits late in the game.

It is said that Kellyanne Conway blurted fake news out during an interview and it stuck. However the fake news strategy is not new. Historically, fascists have always relied on fake news, propaganda and misinformation to keep their subjects out of touch, off balance, too stressed to do anything about their plight, willing to believe lies, and in line.

Our Potential Allies in this War

The people we need to reach in this war of words are Republican centrists, independents, and Democratic voters who may have lost their enthusiasm for Joe Biden. There is a way to reach them all at the same time by enrolling women and men in swing and red states who are currently advocating for their rights, – be it women’s rights or other causes – to simultaneously champion for democracy over autocracy or fascism.

The main focus of “Women United” is to find ways re-orient Republican voters who are prone to believe the lies of their party leaders and engage the democrats who have tuned out of politics.

Since the GOP alliance can always brand truth as “fake news”, the re-orientation program must come from the mouths of their own people. And yes, we’ll have to show the MAGA and centrist GOP voters that we are not vermin. We’ll have to be likeable to them. Is that so hard? I don’t think so. It certainly beats what the WW2 generation had to do to save this democracy.

Women* United to Save American Democracy – *Men Welcome is designed as a cannot lose project. It should function as a Green Bay sweep in its own right. Our enemies can see it coming, but they can do nothing to stop it. This plan also incorporates strategies that, if done now, will pay off later in this election game. NOVEMBER is not that much later now, is it?

  • Supporting Logic: All Politics is Local

Every functional family has a woman, or several women as loved
influencers. Women United seeks to empower and educate women (and men) in key cities within swing states to teach a crash course on American civics and history. The people in these offices will be encourages to create simple educational tools, materials and displays that resemble a museum display on American history. We recommend the tools be created on about an 8th grade level. One stock field office construction kit needs to be created as guidance for the enrolled groups. I have tried to jump start this effort in this post, outlining a historical synopsis of the miracle of American democracy.

Why Women United?

Women United starts with women because they have a natural bond this election season due to the GOP removing women’s rights constitutionally guaranteed for fifty years by the Roe v Wade SCOTUS decision. But we are open to dedicated men as well, of course. *Men Welcome is a super important part of the brand. We want to unite all Americans, men and women, of course. Women United is not racist or sexist. It is a place for real patriotism to awaken from its long slumber here in America.

There are women’s groups in most cities of a decent size. College towns are also ideal. We have reached out to a few of these groups and gotten positive feedback. We’d like to see if we can get a commitment from a few groups in each of the swing states.

We are pro-democracy. If they agree, we email them an online tutorial, and basic agenda instructions and ideas. Individual chapters can educte their own communities and ask for help form the our core administration. A banner logo can be provided and some bumper stickers we are creating now.

Their local agendas can include conducting mock democracy voting on issues ( not candidates) both nationally and locally important during the 2024 voting cycle. Women United will also seek to discover the issues voters in their particular communities want and/or need most from their government.  

There are 438 womens’s groups that just marched, January of 2024. They need to be contacted and asked to see if they would be okay for advocating for small d democracy this year. Focus should be on swing states first, then red states, then purple cities in blue states.

Why the Reorientation Must Come from Local Influencers

The line between truth lies has been blurred for media. The fake news meme may have started with Russian propaganda during the 2016 election, but is still with us … and growing. AI is not making this any easier. However, it will be harder for husbands, sons, boyfriends, associates, and friends to categorize words as “fake news” when those words are coming from people they know and respect in their own towns. MAGA people are by nature followers – sycophants. They were easily influenced by right-wing media and Trump’s lies. That means they are more malleable than Democrats. We can take advantage of that.

Trump was caught on a hot mic saying “they only know what we tell them”.
Finding a way to tell Republican voters something else to know or believe in may be more effective on Republican voters than Democrats and Independents.

Qualifications For Holding Office Must Be Part of the Education

A majority of GOP voters still believe Trump won the 2020 election. For that reason, Women United cannot be a Democratic or Republican endeavor. Women United, Men Welcome* is okay advocating for GOP candidates provided only they publicly renounce January 6th and are not okay with letting the foreign or domestic enemies of American democracy influence our sacred elections or disrupt the functioning of our government’s institutions.

A majority of GOP voters still believe Trump won the 2020 election. For that reason, Women United is not a Democrat or Republican endeavor. Women United, Men Welcome* will be okay advocating for GOP candidates provided only that they renounce January 6th and are not okay with letting foreign enemies influence our sacred elections or the functioning of the American democracy. America without a real democracy is just not America.

The enemies of democracy don’t expect such creativity and energy this election season. But if this project evolves from written words and thoughts into action and it spreads through red states, they are checkmated. The fake news meme that has worked so well for “trumpism” for the last seven years will have met its match via love, education, and reorientation. It’s time teach old-fashioned civics and history to rural America and spread some real truth and light.

Branding the Struggle

*Build That Wall was nothing more than selling or branding. Branding seeks to create a vision fused with a few words that are hard to forget. Branding works like a song – words and music together are easy to remember. Words and tunes alone? They are soon forgotten. Strategic branding is something the enemies of democracy do very well. We can do better at this. Sales has been my life’s work.

Deployment Strategy – Seven Swing States

In the ideal version of democracy, the majority should have their collective will represented in Congress. We do have to contend with the Electoral College which does not function as a true democracy, and creates the space for a few key “swing states” have more power than the rest of the country. Women United can fix inequity, and many other pressing issues, but first we must save the functioning of our democracy. Without a functioning democracy nothing good will get done for any of us.

  • Seven states that need Women United chapters the most are in purple


  • Phoenix 1.6 M, 3 offices, Tucson 54o,000, Mesa 504,000, Chandler 275,000
  • Gilbert 267,00, Glendale 248,000, Scottsdale 240,00, Peoria 191,000
  • Tempe 181,000, Yuma 96,000, Flagstaff 76,000, Maricopa 60,000


  • Las Vegas, 645,000, Henderson 318,000, Reno 265,000, Enterprise 225,000 North Las Vegas 264,000, Spring Valley 220,000, Sunrise Manor 198,000
  • Paradise 190,000, Carson City 58,000


  • Atlanta 495,000, Augusta 206,000, Columbus 204,000
  • Macon 157,000, Savannah 148,000, Athens 129,000


  • Milwaukee 573,000, Madison 268,000, Green Bay 107,000
  • Kenosha 99,000, Eau Claire 69,000, Oshkosh 66,000


  • Detroit 637,000, Grand Rapids 198,000, Warren City 138,000
  • Sterling Heights133,000, Ann Arbor 122,000, Lansing 113,000
  • Dearborn 108,000


  • Charlotte 875,045, 2 offices; Raleigh 465,517, Greensboro 297,202
  • Durham 284,094, Winston-Salem 249,571, Fayetteville 208,697
  • Cary 174,880, Asheville 93,695, Chapel Hill 58,919


  • Philadelphia 1,593,000, 3 offices; Pittsburgh 304,000
  • Allentown 125,000, Erie 95,000, Reading 95,000
  • Upper Darby 85,000, Scranton 76,000, Bensalem 62,000
  • Abington 58,000, Lancaster 58,000, Bristol 54,000
  • Harrisburg 50,000, York 45,000
  • Wilkes-Barre 44,000, Altoona 44,000, State College 41,000

My sense is that this list can be refocused and shortened a bit by using a filter based on preaching less to the choir. We’ll need to focus more in cities where the anticipated margin of loss to Trump is currently is between 1% and 10% and where the anticipated margin of victory by Biden is between 1% and 5%. The most important groups to enroll with be the first in each of the swing states.

The Tutorial Installation – rough draft

The walls of Women United field offices all tell the story of democracy. That story starts with the causes of the Revolutionary War, some words on King George, (who has been compared to Donald Trump) and the colonists resistance to King George’s taxes and tyranny.

The Boston Tea Party 

The Boston Tea Party was the culmination of a resistance movement throughout British America against the Tea Act, a tax passed by the British Parliament in 1773. Colonists objected to the Tea Act believing it violated their right as Englishmen to “no taxation without representation”, that is, to be taxed only by their own elected representatives and not by a foreign parliament in which they were not represented.

The lesson of the Boston Tea Party will engage middle-of-the-road Republicans as well as Democrats. America was born with proud intentions. Ironically, Americans today still lack a Congress that truly represents their needs and not the needs of big business. The parallel to today’s times is there and worth pointing out. Women’s United seeks to restore pride in American democracy.

The next installation can be about the Constitution as it was formed and the amendments that evolved over time, highlighting the Bill of Rights and specific amendments. The National Constitution Center covers the US Constitution nicely. We can select the amendments to focus on. I think we start with the first amendment, and focus on the 14th after the Civil War. But we leave the constitution all out there for the curious. People need education on US history to become free thinkers able to recognize how poor a choice Donald Trump would be for president. Women’s United does not tell people who to vote for or against. We seek to make the right path become self-evident.

Since this is about saving democracy, focusing on amendments that concern voting rights seems proper. Since the Civil War, many constitutional amendments address voting, but there are specific amendments written to prohibit denying the vote to some people once the vote is extended to others.

Field Offices Must Remain Bipartisan

It is also important to declare this effort is neither Democratic nor Republican; it must be American. The division between the parties is what keeps the people of America feeling like we are in a cyber war with our brothers and sisters in other states. If we can undo the undercurrent of national division – fear of the other – and restore pride in American democracy there will be no inner space for Trumpism to exist within the hearts of our citizenry. Older people remember fascisim had not quarter in the American soul until the 80s. Is not that feeling of division and fear of others really the cause of our fascist Trumpism problem?

Right now, a large percentage of Republicans are okay with what Trump did on January 6th including hanging Mike Pence for not “doing his job” to end the peaceful transfer of power, according to Trump’s speech that day. The qualification for holding office in the USA 14th Amendment is that no elected official can be in an insurrection or aid or comfort those that are. So Women United is okay with Republicans as long as they renounce January 6th, the Big Lie and Stop the Steal. If that comes off as partisan, so be it.

The belief in many GOP voters that “the left” is their enemy, is what needs to change. But we can’t do it by using distant media. It’s not going to penetrate those who live in information silos. We should know this after eight years of right wing media chanting fake news. We need to re-orient Americans attitude to its government up close and personal, one person at a time, and start a sort of chain reaction – a reverse metastatic cancer -a metatstatic healing!

The idea is to help our Republican friends and neighbors find new candidates in their midst who are conservative but not insurrectionists. There are plenty. They just have no place to convene and air their thoughts because Trump, the salesaman, leaves no oxygen for their transformations. Enroll Republican centrists to convene with Women United. They will become America’s best allies in the effort to save democracy.

“It will always remain one of democracy’s best jokes that it provided its deadly enemies with the means by which it was destroyed.”

Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s Propaganda Minister

The First Fascist

We are fighting a fascist organization but most people don’t know fascism’s history. A brief history of fascism is actually necessary. Mussolini is historically referred to as the first fascist. Mussolini Trailer on this page is worth a watch. Rachel Maddow’s new book, Prequel, relays some interesting American history on our US industrialists aligning with the Europe’s fascist movements. It’s worth making sure people know what Mussolini did to his own people if they protested any part of his agenda. I’d like to have movie night. There are some great WW2 movies worth group watch. The new movie Amsterdam was panned butit depicted the danger we are in today very well.

Long before Putin posed bare-chested in snow, Mussolini created this “look”.

German fascism began with Hitler trying to adapt what Mussolini had created. Hitler was a huge fan of Mussolini, even trying to get an autographed picture.

Civil Rights Era and the 1960s. It wiil be wise to cover the freedoms that were gained during the Civil Rights movement during Johnson’s presidency – and here is very okay to mention Roe v Wade. The right to vote was also very clearly defined and Jim Crow was officially a crminal action after the Civil Rights Act. . The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibited discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin, as well as, race in hiring, promoting, and firing.

an example of news on the walls of the installations

The Trump Era

Even though we are non-partisan, we do recognize the criminal and treasonous activity of Donald Trump. Trump is why we need to save democracy. So our stance is not that we don’t want Republicans, we just don’t want Republicans who align with a coup to overturn the will of the majority and install a fascist back into the White House.

Trump is about to make his announcement that Mexicans are bringing rapists

The installation can have snippets from videos of Trump’s campaign speeches: the Mexicans are bring rapists ( ironic advise from a known convicted serial rapist ) and including Russia if you’re listening and other gems from his rallies. There’s no shortage of material:Trump’s inauguration speech, the firing of Comey, Helsinki, two impechments and the obstruction by Bill Barr during his impeachments, the firing of Secretary of Defense, Mark Esper, Helsinki, Trump’s covid vaccine success derailing when he learned covid was killing more people in Blue states. The installation culminates with January 6th, and current campaign snippets about poisoning the blood of our country and Project 2025.

Activity at the Field OfficesThe Original Gripe of Conservative America

Being part of a democracy has to evolve to become more than just showing up to vote. Women’s United field offices need to be engaging and/or a bit fun to attend. Field office managers need to report to a central core group. We need to get people to start believing they can affect their governments decisions and laws. Honestly, this is the original gripe of people in flyover country, is it not? They feel abandoned by their government. Spoiler alert, so do many on the left. It does feel like nothing we can do will change how government treats us. Many Americans are resigned to sub-par treatment in many arenas of life, including quality of food and air, housing, education, healthcare, decent pay, cost of living and paying more taxes percentage-wise than billionaire overlords.( I don’t like that billionaires pay less tax percentagewise than I do. )

We have eight months to make a dent. Besides the get out the vote effort which amplifes in the last 60 days, we have six months to discuss and I think mock vote on the issues that concern all Americans. People should walk away from these reorientation courses masked as Women United For Democracy * Men Welcome feeling empowered and enthusaistic about making real changes in the next presidential term. The changes needed most are on what can be called out top ten issues.

Income Inequality and Tax Fairness. The Border. Health Care Affordability. Right to Choose. Gun Violence. Education Affordablity. Climate Science. The Electoral College. Corruption in Government, including legal corruption like corporate lobbying, voter discrimination and Gerrymandering, the Supreme Court. There’s ten right there. This list can be amended of course.

Suppose we invite experts to lecture – perhaps from a single source – like a huge zoom. The Big Zoom seems like an idea. A set time, and we all watch a 20 minute lecture or debate on any of the top subjects. Then we talk about what we heard for an hour. Then we mock vote for the solutions the way we see them on the first Tuesday of every month. Chapters record their voting as indelible records for how each chapter saw best to solve the issues facing America.

Finally, field offices ask their reps in Congress to come to a meeting and ask that they vote in Congress the way the majority in their field office ask them to vote. They present the results of their mock voting; they ask that their representatives re-present their ideas to Congress. That seems to be what represent means, to re-present what has already been presented. So let’s do some solution presenting ourselves Americans, and stop relying of representatives to tell us how to think or vote.

This way the local chapters get a feeling when their representative is in politics just for their own self interests. They can shop for a better candidate for their needs if they sense that. All politics is local underpins this entire strategy.

Maybe there has to be some music, movies and guest speakers at these field office some nights.We may be able to get some really top iconic people, like Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce to address the field office members across the nation in one fell swoop.

Sounds like a dream. But this can all happen in 2024 if we just start. We need to literally enlist in this cyber war and be soldiers in this cyber war. And if we make this happen, we will have saved our democracy by ourselves, without politcians, and a great new era of American pride and acheivement will begin.

end post …


Once one allies with Putin, they must remain loyal for life. If you think otherwise, ask Prigozhin on that. Oh yeah, you can’t.

Joseph Aronesty

PPS. PS. Some new improved version of this autocracy vs democracy map, which has been at my blog since Helsinki, should be part of the “kit”. Many people don’t know what autocracy really means. But a ten-year-old with no prior knoweledge of world geography gets the struggle when they first see a RISK board.

About the author:

Joseph Aronesty is the 75-year-old son of a WW2 vet, an ecom pioneer with passion for songwriting and word history and author of a book on the history of language. “I’ve had a blessed life due to the sacrifices of those WW2 vets and I’ll be damned ( actually, we all will be damned ) if we just give it all away to con artists.”

Mr. Aronesty was classmate to Donnie Trump in 1968 at Wharton , worked in Trump’s business associate orbit from 86-99 in AC NJ. He has wriiten over 1100 pages on Trumpism starting at “Russia, if you’re listening” which he still feels should disqualify a candidate to run for president because it asks an enemy state to take a part in our sacred American elections.

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