Biden and the Dems Stat To-Do List to Save Democracy and the Planet

We all are tired of watching the Dems play by the “rules” while Trump GOP in government break rules and norms to stall and win. I am nauseated by the media saying ” the GOP will likely win the House in 2022″. Why? Because it happened before during more normal times? These are not normal times!

The main reason Biden’s polls are down is because he plays softball in a hardball game. Joe! Do you realize that there are GOP voters that would support you in you were tougher on government criminals? Your DOJ should have arrested Steve Bannon long ago. Americans on both sides would respect you for that and your polls would go up. If you are afraid of the GOP now, when you are in power, imagine how you will feel when you are out of power. Hang Mike Pence could become Hang Joe Biden. Right? So now is the time to be tough.

Further, the US Constitution which is really the “rules” does not allow people to run for office who have taken part in, supported, or even “comforted” insurrection. Why on earth is no one in media or government citing the 14th Amendment – Section 3 – as reason to STOP Trump from running for president in 2024? Why are secretary of state candidates who support the Big Lie allowed to run for office when the Constitution says they cannot?

Read the 14th Amendment, Section 3, verbatim:

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

The first person in government who comes out and says those who support insurrection of the Big Lie cannot run for office will gain the support of about 70% of the voting USA. (Beto, this could be you. )

Germany had a similar problem in 1945. They made it so their Nationalist Party ( Nazi was a nickname for Nationalist ) was banned from government. Germany did this, but we don’t? It makes no sense. We actually deserve to lose if we don’t get tough on the criminals in our government. And each and every GOP member who cowers to Trump and supports his Big Lie, which is part and parcel of the insurrection, is a traitor to the constitution ( meme, ahem) and not allowed to be in our government.

Yes. I see the last sentence of the 14th. It says those who are already in government and support or comfort insurrection must be voted out by 2/3. But guess what? Trump is not currently in Congress or government now. And all those Secretary of State candidates that want to run to upend future elections – if they have comforted insurrectionists or advocated for the Big Lie – they are also disqualified to serve via the 14th. This needs to be said – now!

First one who says loudly that “Trump cannot run as per the 14th” – wins the respect of 70% of Americans. People from both sides will thank that person. It should have been said at “Russia, if you’re listening.”

And when Biden’s DOJ starts thinking and acting that way, the GOP will not win the House in 2022. They will instead need a complete personnel rehaul. Many will step down. New candidates for POTUS will emerge. And the one pro-democracy party will win House and Senate in 2022. Simple steps taken now can assure that outcome.

These are the only sure steps that will save the US democracy. Waiting for 2022 is not a plan – it’s a prayer. The GOP are fixing the elections now, in plain sight. Without democracy, the planet is doomed. Autocrats do not care about their constituents nor the planet. The stakes are as high now as they were in WW2.

So keep playing by the “rules” dems. It’s like watching a cancer spread through a body and not taking the steps to eradicate it. Time is not our friend here. This is also why GOP are okay with a poor pandemic response and why their own are dying more than Dems. They know a givernment that is using most of its resources to fight a pandemic cannot focus on stopping the metastasis of voter fixing that is taking place daily at the local level.

Does Biden have my support? Yes, of course. I would never support a Big Lie supporter even if they later recanted their position. Does Biden have my respect? No. He has not earned that yet. And neither has Garland. I feel like I could do a better job to save our democracy than they have done. At least I have a plan. They have this “wait and see” what happens in 2022 attitude. The criminals love this about Dems.

Maybe Joe had to get the infrastructure bill out of the way before getting serious. But that’s done now. And not a peep of hardball. They set Bannon free and are letting him stall.

The 14th also says “no state shall abridge citizen rights” in section one. So all those voter suppression laws are not legal as well. We really don’t need new laws. We need to apply the Constitution we have now and treat those who stand with the Big Lie who are in government as disqualified to run, campaign or hold office as per the 14th.

Update: Conversations with Dean Obidallah, Maxine Waters staff June and Thom Hartmann reveal that the 14th amendment has no “teeth” or clearly otlined way of being inforced. To that I say this: So what? The 2nd Amendment is not crytal clear on citizen’s rights to own guns. It speaks of a well-regulated militia. That never stopped Republicans from saying they have rights to own, brandish and use guns – even AR15’s. Throw the ripple in the pond, Dems!

Things will happen in response to this statement if its makde loud and clear by a person with authority. The general public will not understand it has no teeth, and will rally to its calling. People on the GOP side who are not crazy about Trump ( about 30% of them ) will like the idea. And then GOP woujld-be candidates like Christy, Rubio and Cheney will ltake up the calling. Before we know it, a movement to give the 14th Amendement “teeth” may emerge. Trumpis,m began with a statement – albeit one of hate. The antidote to Trumpism starts with a statement as well – if we want it to.

Now look at the big picture. We have a planet divided into countries with two basic ruling methods. One way is autocracy. One man rules. It’s been around for 8000 years, going back to city-states and Babylon. And then in 1776, a new way to govern evolved because a British colony was sick and tired of autocracy and was willing to fight and stand up to it. It’s called democracy. It means the people rule. The people vote for representatives and the elected take an oath to do their bidding.

A lot of Americans died to protect the institution of free and fair elections. It’s both sacrilegious and treasonous for politicians to advocate that our elections are not fair without proforma indisputable evidence. Citizens are allowed to have any opinion they want to have. But those in government take an oath – and when they violate that oath by standing with insurrection – they are disqualified to serve. The 14th Amendmant says that. It’s really that simple.

Prior Posts on this subject:

The Firing of Esper is Trump’s New Attempt to Subvert Our Democracy

What If Trump and Key GOP Operatives Have Been Suborned?

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Author: josephsword - Joseph Aronesty is a graduate of University of Pennsylvania 1967-1971. Published songwriter and father of 5 sons. Discovered that English letters are hieroglyphs for a Stone Age language code that began about 100,000 years ago in Africa, derived from the body/sign language we used as hunters. His book "Deciphering the English Code" conveys this in a way one can understand. He is also one of the world's ground level e-commerce pioneers.

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