It’s Time for G7 Leaders to Help the USA with its Trump Problem


As Donald Trump heads for the G7, having just offered to buy Greenland, I just wonder why he is even being allowed to go make his presence there. Is the G7 no longer serious? Now that planet needs climate coordination more than ever, they are allowing a major climate denier to show up and spout his destructive memes on the world stage? It makes no sense.

G7 leaders: If you are serious about global warming, blackball Donald Trump from the G7 now. It’s not too late. In fact, letting him take the trip and be turned away would be exactly what he deserves. Shaming him will help the GOP sellouts to turn on Trump. They are privately getting warm to the idea. But they are essentially cowards. Help them out. Make it happen.

This is an email-letter I wrote to then Prime Minister Teresa May in November 2017. It’s still apropos. Now, I believe the dignity and holiness of the G7 agenda is destroyed by the mere presence of the POTUS at the meetings. Boycott Donald Trump from the G7.

Teresa May,
I am one of the majority of Americans who feel democracy and science are now both under attack. .  It is a cyber attack, launched by criminal Russian Mafia players partnering with big money corporation.  Their goals are to hide their financial crimes and steer the world back in time, towards a neo-oligarchy where money alone rules – all to the detriment of 7 billion global citizens.

The weapons in this war are words. – To be silent is to not fight back and accept defeat.


In essence, Trump is an elected, mad king. 
Donald Trump is fully willing to steer the world on a path to oblivion as long as he can keep his ill-got money and stay out of jail for his crimes over the years. And if he can’t win, he will blow the whole thing up trying. That is what we are witnessing right now, not only in world affairs, but in our domestic affairs as well.

There are now many here in the USA who want Trump out asap, even within the GOP. You and other world leaders can help in that effort with a statement you can fashion in your own words along these lines. 

After Donald Trump became president, it soon became clear to me​, as well as most sober people, that he was willing to lie to his own people, on a daily basis with no remorse.

I asked myself this: If Trump is willing to lie to his own people to “win”, as he calls it, then how can he be trusted to keep his deals and former agreements with foreigners?   

The conclusion that I, and most world leaders have now reached is that Donald Trump cannot be trusted to be honorable.  The rulers of over 200 sovereign nations on this planet all know this down deep now.  This is not to say they don’t trust the good will of the American people. They do.

Only a fool would negotiate honestly with Donald Trump. He has proven that over and over again, first as a citizen and now as the US president.

Thank You my Dear American friends. We are here for you. 

Something like that needs to be heard from Teresa May, Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron – and other respected world leaders. That way it won’t seem like partisan politics. 

We are living in a world community now. ​ Words started this war. Words can end it. Silence can not.​

Trump counts on being the only one who is willing to make outrageous statements. ​
​Yes, I realize what I wrote seems a bit outrageous. But if one person plays dirty, and the others play according to Hoyle, the cheater will usually win. That’s all Trump has ever known – cheating to win. I learned that from his casino operations in the 1980’s. I was there. 
If you would say something sincere, along these lines, which I happen to believe is probably a fairly accurate portrayal of your stance on Trump, I do believe it will ​help us all on planet earth.​ We are mostly hoping he will soon be discharged of his duties.
We need some help from the world stage leaders, the way we helped 75​ years ago.

I will be sending emails like this to the heads of state in Germany, Australia and Iran as well. Listen to what is being said this week on the news here in the USA​.

I ask all global citizens to contact their presidents and senators. Let’s get this done. 
The timing will be perfect ​now. No time to lose.  We have a genuine mad maniac in charge here now. Hitler was such a maniac. ​He was elected as well, by a similar distraught electorate as well. 

Etymology teaches us: The MA in maniac is the same ma that is in drama. It means large – as in major, mad and magnify. The mad, maniacal drama we are witnessing since Trump took the helm is the exact opposite of the cool-handed leadership we sorely need right now. Trump is like a hot fuse in a room filled with nitroglycerin. A simple unintended accident now and the word goes boom. 

All it will take to win this war of words, is words. No bombs, no bullets, no troops. How nice, right? We need influential people to deliver some thoughtful heartfelt words to the world stage. GOP politicians here will soon realize they will mostly be voted out of power in 2018. And to the GOP I say, it’s not for “not repealing Obama-care that you will fall. It is because you stand with the mad king, Donald Trump, in spite of what you know to be true: Donald Trump is a dunce, a sell-out and a traitor. 

We can do this world. Thank you for your careful consideration to this plan and for circulating it. We are all global citizens. We all have a stake in peace. I am just trying to do what I can as a citizen. I hope that is appreciated. JA



What’s Really Behind Trump’s Announced North Korean Meeting?

Donald Trump announced today that he wants to meet with Kim Jong-un in May to discuss disarming. But is it Donald Trump, our generals, or Vladmir Putin behind this newly announced meeting? Let’s follow the money trails and use some logic and see if we can draw any conclusions. 

jong-unDonald Trump announced today that he wants to meet with Kim Jong-un in May to discuss denuclearization. But was it Donald Trump, Jong-un, our generals, or Vladimir Putin – who first imagined this newly announced meeting? Let’s follow the money and logical trails and see if we can draw some conclusions. 

#1 The Washington Post reported in December 2017 that some of the more advanced missiles recently put on display by North Korea were acquired with help from Russia. This was according to actual documents from one of the top Soviet missile manufacturers. That’s a solid source of information. So Russia is working with North Korea, and clearly Putin has some pretty decent pull with Kim Jong-un. 

#2 On February 3, 2017, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un sent out Lunar New Year greeting cards to numerous world leaders, highlighting his international allies. He listed Russia at the top of his list, relegating China to second place and Cuba to third. His symbolic show of solidarity with the Kremlin has also been accompanied by a string of economic deals with Russia. North Korea is also beholden to Russia owing to its geographical situation. North Korea is to Russia is like Delaware is to the United States. 

#3 On January 31 2017, Russia’s state news agency, TASS, reported that Russia Railways representatives visited North Korea to discuss an expansion of railway links between the two countries.  They share a border. Both parties agreed to expand training for North Korean engineers at Russian universities.

The obvious conclusion is that Putin and Jong-un are working together – and in that relationship clearly Putin has the upper hand.

Putin also has a huge stake in Trump’s success because there’s a 500 billion dollar oil deal he wanted Tillerson/Exxon for, owing to Obama’s sanctions against Russia for Putin invading Crimea. This is why Putin wanted Tillerson and not Romney. Putin also has the upper hand on Trump. ( Interesting that Tillerson is out now. My sense is that he was too much of a patriot, to cow-tow to Trump, a person he considered a moron. Kudos to Rex. )

Trump and Putin are clearly both very greedy men, salesmen more than statesmen, and they have their eyes on the biggest monetary deal in the history of man

So what is behind Trump’s May rendezvous with Kim Jong-un?

We can already see the one major result of Trump’s North Korean meeting: it takes the main focus of news reporting off the Russian story, where Trump cannot get a break, largely because the criminality and truth is slowly coming to light.  

We have clear evidence that Korea is working with Putin, so Putin is obviously in on this May meeting with Trump and Jong-un. Putin may even have directed it. They all have back-channels. Taking the heat off Trump increases Putin’s chance of getting that oil deal, which if Trump is ousted, he will never get – and he knows that. 

With all three players tractably and directly connected, what we are witnessing is nothing more than a choreographed staged show designed to make it seem like a big global problem is about to be solved by Donald Trump. And that buys Trump time to keep the Russian heat away. I don’t think this will turn out to be anything more than that. A stalling tactic coordinated by Putin to help Trump – probably for that oil deal which is what he wanted when he started helping Trump with “bots” and “spies”. 

Plus if they really wanted to solve the problem, they could use a phone or face time tomorrow. But that is NOT the goal. The goal is stall and put on a show and keep the public eye off the criminal activity that went on, and goes on daily in this White House. Trump has stopped the formality of  documenting who visits the White House. He does not even want us to know who he is working with here in the USA, let alone the foreign spies. Our diplomatic corps has been slashed to pieces. He has sold us out – not just Manafort. 

And Trump still won’t show his taxes for fear of what? Please fill that in yourself. But it’s not because he never gave much to charity or he is under audit.  I assume it’s because his taxes reveal ties to the shadowy regimes he has been working with for years. I assume its because he launders his money because he hates to pay tax to the USA and take part in any serious building of America with his dollars. That sort of patriotism has always been for suckers in his “don’t tax me” mind.  I assume that reasonable people know he won’t show taxes because it will reveal that Trump is a criminal. 

Trump knows its harder to attack a president when there are wars or peace negotiations going on. So maybe this entire event is part of a few coordinated staged events to get the news off Trump’s Russian connections. And working backwards, this cynical logic is already proving out. It’s working. And nothing else makes much sense.

manchurian-bwIf Trump stays in power, it increases Putin’s chance that the 500 billion-dollar oil deal will happen. And of course, Trump gets a percentage of that deal, deposited into one of those secret bank accounts that he refuses to disclose to us. That’s how these deals are made.

I always assume that people with known greed disease, like Putin and Trump have shown they have one main objective: to gain more dollars. It’s how greedy people measure their success. Neither Putin nor Trump has shown the world, or their citizens any real care for their constituents. Have they? They are clearly both in this for themselves. They would both feel out of their skin to become charitable souls. We all know that. Trump supporters know this too. 

So media people! Please do not get distracted by this sudden North Korea thing; it’s a coordinated staged show.  Yong-un will likely change his mind when it gets down to actual denuclearization. It is still a favorite to be a nothing-burger with Kim walking away, and a net effect of stalling for time and making Trump appear to be presidential. 

Stay on the Russian/Trump investigation. You will eventually discover that the Russians recruited Trump – and that was done for the Russian oil deal . They have three more years to get that done if we don’t impeach Trump and Tillerson. It’s worth that time to make 500 billion, right? It’s a long con, as its called in carny world.

Neither Trump nor Putin can outrun the Blue Wave of 2018!

If we VOTE THEM OUT in 2018, we can flip the house and that changes everything. And it is beginning to feel like this can happen. Almost no average American wants the GOP’s no-care health bill . Why would people vote for any GOP candidates in 2018? 

Saving some huge political event, there are only two realistic avenues to save America from the current Putin/Trump regime, which is what we have now. 

#1 Mueller gets to the truth on the Russian hack, and shows us all that Trump was in on it before November. That would do it.  

#2 The country votes out all sold-out congressmen in 2018. It looks like the pendulum is swinging in that direction. So stay vocal! Then we impeach Trump. 

This oil deal is what the Russian election campaign was all about. It is worth at least a 25 billion dollars (5% commission)  for Trump and 475 billion for Putin. Putin and Trump are salesmen, trying to make a “score”, which is what they call it.  I know this because I went to that same depression-survivor sales school as Trump did. It’ s why we ended up in a class together at Wharton School of Finance.

trumpHowever, this type of selling was not taught at Wharton. It was taught at Trump’s dinner table, while growing up. I got fed the same lines – I just made different decisions about them. And that’s why Trump thanked his long-deceased father at his acceptance speech. The thank you was lightly glossed over by the media, but it was actually a big deal for Trump who had serious father issues.

There was real generation gap between the spoiled kids of the 1960’s and the children of the Great Depression. Listen to Frank Zappa to learn about that.

Trump finally got closure on his father issue with a brief statement made to the deceased. It’s probably something he never told him when he was alive. It was his way of saying, “dad you were right all along”. It actually was one of the most human and honest statements Trump has ever made.

Media! Stay on the real story – the Trump/Putin coordination.

Do not get distracted by the staging we are witnessing. We will get more of it. It’s all the guilty can do. We will get to the obvious truth, but only if we stay focused on what our collective logic is telling us. We have elected a criminal. He is an outlying member of the Russian mafia, which deals in global money laundering.

Very few Americans love Trump so much that if they knew he was a Russian agent, witting or not, they would be OK with it. Right?    Right?

What do we do after we conclude Trump was working with the Russians?


posted January 2017 – updated October 17, 2017

I have been saying Trump has been in bed with Russia for over 30 years. I believe the relationship began in AC and involved the billion dollars he never lost and a desire to not pay taxes on that revenue stream. I believe he laundered that billion overseas and got a taste for international crime in the 1980’s.  We are getting closer to figuring this out every day. Money leaves trails, as long as sincere people are looking.

The big question that now remains is:

Will we stop an illegal president before he goes fascist on us, starts a war, shuts down the media and turns our beautiful democracy into a mess that is not easily fixed?

We see him taking the first steps of a would-be repressive government. Firing scientists. Telling boldface lies to the press. Calling the press “fake news”. Undermining the healthcare of American citizens. Trying to give more tax breaks to the wealthy!  By now, many of his own supporters realize they made a huge mistake. 

Many, if not most Americans now believe Trump was and is compromised. We’re getting closer to hard proof, but Trump’s attempts to shut down the investigations – his by any means possible credo – is the most damning evidence to any rational person. He wont give up either. Trump will offer huge amounts of money to install key people to hush his crimes. He is trying this in his own way every day. Comey said no and was booted. Mueller will not bend. But its still anyone’s guess if the truth will make it to the record. 

So, while we await our system, and without being judge and jury, I have this question for all Americans to ponder and that includes our cabinet members, Trump’s GOP “friends”, CIA and FBI agents, our servicemen who put their lives on the line – and even his bodyguards!

What would you really do, or want done if  you discovered Trump has been compromised by Russia and/or worked with Russia to fix his election? 

Would you still protect him, because he is president?  Would you want him treated like any other traitor?  What should we really want done as the United States?  

I created a metaphor to help you visualize this pending problem that grows larger every day and draw a proper conclusion.


Imagine if an alien species from was able to fix a US presidential election and they got their alien life force “guy” to win. Imagine that alien is now the president, and as president it inherits the presidential powers and protections. Those same protections would be used by the alien to keep us from finding out that the alien actually fixed the election- to keep us in the dark.  They could also keep us from finding out that the alien president has an agenda that does not benefit our citizens – a secret loyalty to his own species! What a tale.

Now imagine that some lowly congressperson figures out that the alien fixed the election.  Does that alien still rightly have his presidential protections or powers? If so, how does this movie end happily? It does not. Our collective answer better be no, the alien president no longer has the presidential protections and powers – or we have already lost our democracy.

My fellow US citizens. It is essential that once we discover we have an alien or criminal president, that he immediately loses the powers and protections of the presidency. The powers and protections of the presidency are only valid if the president himself is valid. Those lost protections must include the pardon power!

To not see that clearly, or to ignore this in a partisan fever, would be to miss the very real launching pad for fascism and to invite the end of our democracy to take root in the USA.

Any civil servant should immediately lose the protections and powers of their office the moment they are found guilty of the crime of trying to fix their election to attain that office.

And this is exactly why Donald Trump always insists that his presidency was won fairly, in spite of the mounting evidence. He knows he has these pardon powers, but someone must have explained to him that once they find that smoking gun the powers and protections of the presidency could go out the window. So Trump has to say Russia is fake news to save his own neck. 

Should Trump, his family, friends or staffers, be found guilty of election crimes, we must be ready to disavow Trump’s presidency, its actions and even many of its appointees. Would we allow that alien to keep his appointees? They could be aliens too, right? That’s how we have to think about this. 

Once proven, Russia-gate won’t be fake news; it will be fake president. 

So let’s figure out what exactly what we should do when the truth about the 2016 election comes out. It should not be long now. I’d like to hear more discussion about what we do after we know for sure that Trump, his family or appointees have been part of a team effort to subvert democracy in the USA.

Do we allow Pence, an appointee of the alien president to become the new president? – Or are all cabinet members guilty by association to the alien president? 

How we should handle this is a very important discussion because it impacts our approach to zeroing in on the truth. If we allow his regime to stand, have we eliminated the problem? I don’t think so. But that’s just me. What do you think?

DJ Trump seems to alienate everyone. That should not seem strange any longer. He was an alien in college; he did not connect well with others and lived in his own aristocratic bubble. In business he was heartless, ruthless and a scoundrel. And now as president his disconnect is truly dysfunctional. So if he alienates people,  well that’s what aliens actually do. They alienate.   Joseph Aronesty

Will Mueller Save Us In Time or Will We Get What We Deserve For Being Stupid?

For now, it feels like a Korean War is an intended move in this chess match. I expect Trump will ultimately try to partner with Russia to end the Korean threat, a threat that Putin helped create. Then Trump can say what a nice a guy Putin can be. Please Robert Mueller, get us an indictment before 9/18. 

When Donald Trump rolled into Iowa primary,  he opened with “how stupid are the people of Iowa”. And then they voted him in. Americans are now getting what they deserve for being stupid, just like Trump called them. But their only stupidity was voting for a candidate who would say such callous things.

And of course, Donald Trump has actually convinced himself that people, in general, are indeed stupid.  They were stupid for losing their life savings at his casinos. They were dumb to expect to be paid for building his projects. They were stupid for expecting real help at his so-called university. Now, they are stupid for believing the lies he continues to peddle. Donald Trump also thinks people are stupid if they are not rich like him. He really needs to find out how wrong he is about that. 

Trump has never been a student of world history, so he cannot possibly be or become a master of political science. But if Donald Trump is not brilliant, who is the mastermind behind his win, if we can honestly call it that? Some say it was Bannon. But I think the creative force behind his election, and the Korean drama has always been Putin.

putin-mueller2Vladimir is a brilliant strategist. Like a world-class chess-master, he strives to remain several moves ahead of his adversaries. When Trump’s Access Hollywood was aired, Putin’s Russians were ready, almost on-demand, with counter-intelligence and fake news. It’s really hard to read between the lines in a second language.  It’s obvious Putin had people on this inside here in the USA. He would have needed suborn-able inside people – and folks who speak English as natives. He needed sold out native Americans. The sold out gang pretty much hangs in Washington D.C. these days, right?  So Putin found sold-out patsies who got him Trump. It’s that simple. 

Because Putin has long had Trump’s dossiers on financial crimes – and plenty more, Trump’s team members are now mostly all directly or indirectly suborned to Putin. Putin has the dirt and Wikileaks cuts both ways. Trump, knowing he has so much to hide, can only enroll team members who also have stuff to hide themselves or are unconditionally loyal family members.  These are the only people he can really trust. It’s also why his staff numbers are so low. His organizational incompetence is both grounded and hardened by a life of crime and a fear of being exposed. Even if he wanted to turn over a new leaf ( which we have many reasons to doubt) , he really can’t. 


For now, it feels like the Korean meeting is an intended move in this chess match. I expect Trump will ultimately try to partner with Russia to end the Korean threat, a threat that Putin helped create.  Kim Jong-il is either a willing player or a puppet in this game. It’s not his game however. He’s not a smart cookie. He’s a spoiled child much like Trump. If a joint effort with Russia to seems to check North Korea, even temporarily, Trump can say what a nice a guy Putin can be. No sanctions. They get back on track. Milking the USA. Getting richer in their undeclared foreign bank accounts. 

Korea is about finding a way can Trump say he was right about Putin all along and get Russian sanctions lifted – which is why Putin wanted Trump to begin with. A chess match indeed. If Mueller loses this match or if it is terminated without a conclusion, it will basically end the United States of America as we know it. Trump does not care, I assure you. Americans are stupid to him. He could take his jet to Moscow tomorrow and live out his years there. He would be perfectly happy to do it. Just fine. 

Put nothing beyond this president. Remember Trump’s words,“it all does not matter if you don’t win” and, “they only know what you tell them”. Those are his guiding mantras.

However, Trump is not a brilliant master. Actually, Trump is not even as smart as his “stupid” Iowan supporters. Why? Because Trump had an awful lot to lose by entering politics. Now, many who did not care about his money laundering and Russian mafia connections, want to see him and his family face justice for those crimes. Trump knew he had been successfully hiding a life of high crimes and misdemeanors, and now Trump’s crimes actually need to be revealed for our national security. Does that seem smart to you? 

Meyer Lansky was a Jewish mafia player in the 1930’s. He kept a low profile. Smart guy. Lansky was never found guilty of anything more serious than illegal gambling.

We just can’t have a suborned executive branch here in the USA. If Trump was as smart as he is greedy, he would have figured this out and stayed low profile and out of politics. Now, the generals are in charge. And our generals don’t want the USA to become a Russian satellite. Trump did not care if he committed treason to get elected, but the generals have their own reasons not to go down that path. They won’t. I don’t worry about that. But maybe we should? Greed is everywhere. If our generals are suborn-able, we are done. 

But Robert Mueller. I hope you bring this all to a close before 9/18. The world order may change on that day. Trump is trying to avoid detection as a treasonous criminal. He will stop at nothing. And he has Putin as a working partner with him. You really need to press charges before that 9/18. That’s two weeks.

Resisters and disgruntled Republicans. If you are reading this and are sympathetic to the cause of American democracy, please Facebook post this now. Share it with your friends. Twitter. Instagram. Send to representatives on both sides. Get it to Mueller. 

When it comes to Russia taking over the USA, there is not much two sides here in the USA on this, is there? Almost none of us want this. Right? 

This entire Korea thing may very well be a ruse. (Pardon the pun) I see reports that Russia and China both have given North Korea the assets it needs to build these bombs. They are players in this. Wake up people! Someone is pulling these strings.

Whatever ensues in Korea, you can be sure it was preconceived, then created and produced by Vladimir Putin. He alone envisions the final act. He alone is working to that end. And it does not end well for the USA in his mind. In this game of Spy vs. Spy, we are way behind this trained and experienced master. 

Please Robert Mueller, get us an indictment before 9/18. 



Why We Need to Hear from Dem’s on Korea Right Now!

Right now, Trump is trying to become a war president. Given Russia-gate, that is the only way Trump can …

koreaRight now, Trump is trying to become a war president. Given Russia-gate, that is the only way Trump can stay in power or be redeemed. It also serves to divert attention from his crimes, nonchalance, lying and incompetence. 

But what would a DEM leader actually do or say now about Korea? We don’t know. They are quiet today. This is not smart. The subconscious public meme will be “the Dem’s don’t know how to deal with war threats, so they are quiet”.

It’s logical too.  If Dem’s are silent now, how can they really be counted on in true war times?  It’s not much different than the way Hillary ignored those in fly-over country. 

Democratic representatives and hopefuls: Get vocal and fast! Next week is way too late.
It would be nice to hear from Bernie on this. He is thought of as a social programs champion. Good. But that may not be enough. He was thought of as weak of foreign policy, right?
And if Trump figures out how to coordinate a war effort with Russia, you can kiss any semblance of control over our country goodbye for many years. That may even be happening right now. I would not put this past them. Russia helped Korea get nuclear weapons. This could be a coordinated dance to get Putin/Trump back on top. 
I went to Penn with Trump. He’s not smart or even educated. But he will figure this out. He already likes the idea of being a wartime president.  You can see him loving it today.
Stay ahead of him and the GOP and Putin!
Please. Pass this message up the chain. 
DEMS: Think of how you would handle it, and just say it. That’s all that is needed. I would say this if I were president – (and I am way more qualified than Trump, I am sure.)
This is what I would say:
Kim-Jong Il: Seeing as North Korea is developing nuclear weapons, we have to consider the threats you are making to be sincere. And so, we must immediately defend ourselves. We are now making plans to do so. Some plans you will hear about – they are our overt plans. Some plans will be covert, like the plans we made against Osama Bin Laden.
But we are dealing with this now and upon the next threat or test missile we will  be forced to deploy. Rest assured that American security is our highest priority. 
PS. It can’t be a hollow threat. Myself, I would take him out the way we took out Bin Laden. He is not hiding. Next threat. I would do a secret op. But that’s me. 
Whatever you decide, Dem’s you need to get vocal or you will lose the right to govern the USA in a war-threatened world. 
Do you get that?
PPS. It feels like this could be a setup to make Trump look presidential. If Korea stops tests for a few months, perhaps by agreement with the powers that be, Trump comes off looking smart. We will see.