Meme Wars – The Better Word Wins

Absent of an actual bloodbath, which Donnie* Trump amplified and telegraphed was coming if he lost, we still have a semi-functional democracy. If it comes down to people voting, motivating people to vote is going to super important. That involves selling people, something Donnie is very experienced with from his pre-president businesses. Democrats are not losing on issues; they are losing in the meme wars. The pro-democracy media must be smarter about the words they use.

As author or Deciphering the English Code, a book which traces English back the time we transitioned from body-sign language to spoken language, I herein present unique ways of understanding the way certain very important words we will be using during this battle of words will land and stick in the human psyche. Trump has turned elections into a popularity contest. We must stop that trend. Global tensions demand a steady hand.


The proper word is “decide”. “cide” is the univeral word for killing, – as in homocide and suicide. The act of deciding involves killing off the other potential choices. That means the other choices are defeated and dead. With a choice, you can always choose again. Choosing is a playful word. What’s your choice, sir? Choosing Biden or Trump lands in a less serious spot in the human psyche that deciding. So this is not the time for media to color the 2024 elections as a choice, or say Americans must choose.

Americans have a decision to make. Americans must decide.

  • Wharton 1968. We shared a class at Wharton called International Finance. When I aksed a friend why he missed so many classes, he rubbed his fingers together to signify dollar bills, and said “don’t you worry about Donnie”. His inner circle still refer to him as Donnie sometimes. Donnie has a childish gangstery sound that cannot land well with moderate Americans.

The Russo-Republican Alliance

Feb 10, 2023

On the two-year anniversary of the attack that changed the world, it is important that media echo this obvious conclusion.

  • Putin waited for Trump’s January 6th coup attempt to fully fail before attacking Ukraine because, if it had succeeded it would have been much easier to take Ukraine with no USA support from Trump.

Donald Trump has now said he would encourage Putin to do whatever the hell he wants to our NATO allies in Europe. This is coordination with an enemy state during war times. The Espionage Act fully applies. This is not “just politics” or “Trump being Trump”.

Russia is getting supplies from Iran and North Korea. Ukraine is getting supplies from NATO countries and the USA. But now the Republican House is blocking that aid. That is also treasonous during war times.

We are clearly in the midst of a cyber war with Putin since its 2016 Fancy Bear election interference. Trump’s statement has already done serious tactical military damage to the United States. Trump also shared nuclear secrets about U.S. nuclear submarines with an Australian billionaire, Anthony Pratt, a member of Mar-a-Lago.   The Espionage Act was created to protect Americans from traitors. It applies during war times, and we are at actually at war now.

Joe Biden can declare war on those who would undo our democracy, whether they be overseas, allied with our enemies, or sitting in Congress. This should have been done at Russia, if you’re listening. That was warning one. If Biden’s not up for this war, he needs to step aside, and let someone who in our military take the reigns. Nothing about age. Think Golda Meir. It’s about attitude, brains, and knowing your enemy.

War is not defined in the Constitution. The ways to war have changed over the years but the objectives of war are always the same: to take something from a sovereign state. It used to be that could only be done with force. Today, one can take from a democratically run country bloodlessly, with information wars during election cycles, and getting loyalists into the governments of one’s enemies – cyber war. We have been in a state of cyber war with Putin since Fancy Bear election misinformation attacks of 2016. Cyber is the new way to war and Putin is the world’s first master of Cyber War.

The strange thing is, both the left and right base would respect Biden more if he were tougher on Trump. The MAGA base views the impending Trump vs. Biden election like a WWF wrestling match. Biden is losing only because he lets the chaos continue as if Trump has a right to align with Putin. Does he have that right during war times?. No. That’s treason. So declare war vs. Putin but state we are in a Cyber War, and will retaliate with the enemies of democracy whethere they are overseas or here in our Congress.

Putin is effectively running 5o% of our government now. Putin has compromised Trump and key GOP from the 2016 Convention. His emmisaries certainly have taped recordings of the 2016 GOP Alliance discussions. I don’t see an investigaton into that alliance. Putin is three steps ahead in this war. If you don’t believe me, ask Michael Cohen. He knows too.

Garland needs to be replaced tomorrow. He’s dragged his feet, and that’s also why democracy is on the ropes in the USA. We need someone like Glenn Kirschner – laser focused on seeing justice for Trump’s crimes versus democracy – and others in our Congress who aided or comforted the insurrectionists or align with Russian talking points during war times.


Fancy Bear spiked with AI Technology is being planned right now. Fox News is in on the deal to sell out Americans to Putin. You only have enforcement mehcanisms in a state of war. Get into it now, Joe Biden. Americans and Europeans are counting on you.

Dear NATO friends. Help us get rid of the unhinged deranged person we regretably elected. You have real history in making the same error. You learned the hard way. We came to your rescue 80 years. It’s time to come ours. That good America is is still here. Our system of justice is moving too slow.

There are ways you can help. Please get vocal about it. It will help. Even MAGA people don’t like Putin. That’s not what they were there for at Jan 6th either. They think they are patriots to save America from the left. But the left and right are not that far apart on issues. The big money is afraid the left and the right will figure that out. They don’t want Americans unified on anything.

Americans need to feel like we could lose our European friends. Americans have many more friends in NATO countries that Russia. So in the end, people will vote during hard times for their families. Get tough now. The media is listening now.

Hitler’s Propaganda Minister, Joseph Goebbels, said: “It will always remain one of democracy’s best jokes that it provided its deadly enemies with the means by which it was destroyed.”

Today Donald Trump basically said NATO countries, our allies post 911, should be cannon fodder for Putin’s attacks. That was not just a private person airing his first amendment opinion. This is a traitorous dangerous statement coming from a person with a lot of power. We are at war with Russia. I think we need to treat insurrectionists and those who ally with Russia in government as traitors.

14th Amendment:

“No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.

Biden Must Start Using His War Powers as Commander-in-Chief

Our president has a lot on his hands. The enemies of democracy like it that way. Besides defending democracy, Biden is also trying to defend Ukraine vs Russia and Israel vs Hammas/Iran in physical wars.

But is Biden trying to protect America and Americans from the threats to democracy in Congress? I don’t think so. Most democratic voters don’t think so either. And turth be told, that’s why there are calls for Biden to step aside and leave the job to someone who knows how to deal with a traitorous criminal party.

Biden’s choice for Attorney General turned out to be about as good as Bob Mueller for the Russia probe. Kamala Harris is hurting Biden’s chances of re-election as well. Many Republican voters wouldn’t vote for a black woman if her name was “god”, especially if they deem Biden may not make it through another four years. Frankly, he should place her in the AG position, which was her expertise, and place someone like Gretchen Whitmer as his running mate. Those would be tactical steps and many would feel he knows what’s at stake and is starting to fight back. Glenn Kisrchner has also shown us he would do a better job defending democracy than Merritt Garland.

Nearly eight years ago I told my Represetative Ted Lieu, we had to declare war against enemies of democracy or this would never stop. That is still 100% true. Even if Democrats won three houses of government, the attack versus democracy would not end if we continue to treat enemies of democracy as if they deserve a say in our government. That is the essence of the protections the 14th amendment provides for Americans. But they only work if they are used.

The Russo-Republican Alliance

A Friend to My Enemy is My Enemy.

An alliance exists between the Republican Party and our undeclared enemy in the current proxy war in Ukraine, Vladimir Putin. We all saw the alliance begin at the Republican Convention is 2016. Donald Trump was just a candidate then. The Republicans reduced sanctions on Putin. For that, Putin launched the Fancy Bear cyber war, convinced disillusioned Americans Hillary was a criminal, and got Trump, an actual sociopathic lifelong criminal, elected president of the United States of America.

A private investigation into the 2016 Republican Convention is long overdo. Right now – early 2024 – is the time for that to happen. The Russo-Republican Alliance should be branded as such. My sense is that Putin would have had his emissaries make tapes of discussions with the GOP brass so he could weigh in on the conversations and use the tapes to compromise the congressmen and party leaders engaged in those talks. People ask why the GOP won’t leave Trump. This is one very good reason not to leave. They cannot. They have been compromised.

it is no wonder the Republicans now want to end aid to Ukraine. They are allied with Putin. It is as if Vladimir has a large voice in our Congress now. And that must stop – soon. A friend to our enemy must be declared our enemy, or we are just stupid. The aliance between Donald Trump, the MAGA GOP and Putin have made human existence more dangerous not only for all Americans, but for the entire planet.

If Biden delcares war versus the enemies of democracy, a proper AG have the ability to simply lock the offices of Congresspeople citing public aired quotes and videos of any congresspeople that have given “comfort” to insurrectionists or publicly aligned with Russian taking points. US citizens should not have the choice to vote for traitors aligned with Vladimir Putin. These people have self-disqualifed themselves to be public servants in the USA.

This is not because I or any person says so. This is what is very clearly written into the US charter, its Constitution and the Espionage Act. Failure to enforce our laws is a derelection of the president’s sworn oath and duty. Marjorie Taylor Greene went to the jail and comforted insurrectionists. Donald Trump sang with them. And we all know most of the GOP in Congress have stated that Biden was not duly elected and Trump won, which was the rallying cry of the Jan 6th insurrection attempt.

The 14th Amendment words “No person shall be an office holder” are striking. Yes, it does not say “shall not run for office”. But can you run for an office when you are disqualified to serve? We saw the tea leaves in the SCOTUS words on the Colorado request to get Trump off the ballot. They basically said one can run for an office one cannot hold – and that decision would be made only after that person won. But when that person wins, on day one, he gets pardon powers. You can’t run for president if you are 21 or born in Africa. Comforting insurrectionists disqualifies candidates. There is no need for judicial review. In this case, Dems can be originalists. The words of the Constitution are clear. Dems can enforce the 14th and stop this circus. But they don’t.

I created these images during the Helsinki summit when Putin reminded Trump that he helped hin win the election of 2016 and therefore would be beholden to Putin for life. You could see that when Trump cowered as he walked on stage, something he had never done before or since.

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Project 2025

If the Biden Administration is afraid to use the 14th now and declare war vs the enemies of democracy, foreign and democracy, you can see how the words of Goebbels and Vladimir Putin, who has been coaching our sold out dunce, Donald Trump, on how to take over a large country since 2016, ring deadly against the survival of the United States democracy.

Enforce the 14th Amendment now. Use it, or lose it – all.

Related Prior Posts:

The SCOTUS Attack on Women’s Rights Just Created an Opening to Quickly Restructure the Court

We can accuse the three new justices of lying to get a job and tell them they cannot rule contrary to the way they spoke during their hearings, or they committed perjury to Congress. Worry later. Let the people handle this. Both sides hate this ruling.

It’s a fact that the vast majority of Americans do not want to see women’s rights disappear. But five people, who do not care what the majority of Americans want, are going to let it happen. Who are these people?

They are Supreme Court justices, and the three newest of them, Amy Coney Barrett, Neil Gorsuch and Bret Kavanaugh lied during their confirmation hearings. They all said Roe v Wade was “settled law”. Now, a memo from Judge Alito’s desk says that all five GOP justices will vote to take away women’s rights – the same rights they said were protected as settled law.

SCOTUS hearings are essentially live job application interviews. Lying during a job application is always grounds to lose that job. I can’t imagine a teacher, nurse, policeman, or even a baby sitter keeping their job if they lied on a matter of substantial importance during their live interview process. The people who do the hiring have a right not to keep a liar in their midst. This should be more important, not less, for a lawyer, congressman and especially a Supreme Court Justice because it’s a lifetime appointment. We must have a right to remove a cancer in our justice system or it is not a justice system at all.

I want to see a congressperson in the House stand up and ask the three justices who lied about their position on Roe vs Wade to recuse themselves from weighing in against abortion-related woman’s rights issues. At least, if these three justices will do that they are not caught on video lying to Congress. And if they will not agree to recuse themselves in Roe v Wade matters, and weighing against Roe, then they are in effect saying “we lied to get this cushy lifetime appointment job” and tough luck to the people.

For me, that has to mean they must abandon their seats or be forcibly removed the very next day on all matters because we simply don’t know what motivated them to lie to Congress. It smells like a sellout, which would mean their support was purchased. Either that, or this “no abortions” thing was so important to them that they were okay about lying to Congress about it. Neither excuse is worthy of a judge, let alone a Supreme Court justice. Changing one’s mind on a matter so crucial to all Americans also does not cut it as a valid excuse for a judicial interview. We expect better and must insist on better.

The fact remains these justices at the very least misrepresented their inner thinking during a job application. They could have said, Roe v Wade is the law of the land but I dont’t know how I feel about it yet. That may have been honest. But that is not what was said. If we don’t insist on honesty from justices, we are permitting the existence of an American judicial banana republic.

I have long thought the reason the Democrats don’t fight as hard as they should is they are afraid they will lose in the Supreme Court when push comes to shove. This leaked Alito memo confirmed that suspicion.

When Trump nominated Gorsuch, I placed this image at my Twitter @EnglishCodeWord.

Putin Schooled Trump In Helsinki | It’s Why Trump Ripped Up the Notes

From its first words. the Constitution says all governmental power is derived from We, the People. Let’s not over think this or let the GOP convince us that what they are doing is all “legal” or “constitutional”. It is not. We must now use our Constitution to protect us from what is surely coming if we do not.

Further, SCOTUS justices are sworn to uphold the Constitution which clearly says no state can take away citizen’s rights. The exact word used is abridge – which means to shorten. This court is doing more than just shortening women’s rights. They are letting states take the away women’s autonomy over their bodies and wills.

The 14th Amendment, Section One Verbatim:

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

This is not complicated language. We don’t need it to be interpreted, spinned or ignored by the people who lied to get jobs in our Supreme Court. They said “Roe” was settled law. We took them at their word. If they reverse that position, and let states take away women’s rights, they are also saying they lied or misled Congress on their positions. And perhaps as well, they are saying they just don’t care about the poor American women, who will be affected by this ruling.

The phrase “settled law” means they thought this over, reviewed its history, and settled the matter in their minds. If they did not think that, they could have said otherwise. They lied or misled to Congress. It’s grounds for being fired from any job. Justices are not elected by the people. They cannot be allowed to lie to the people or their representatives and keep the jobs they lied to get. No one in government or private business who lies to get a job should ever be allowed to think they can keep that job after their lies are exposed. At that point, their further employment is up to the employers, which in this case is ultimately “we, the people” via our elected representatives. To allow otherwise is to welcome corruption, which is really our biggest problem in the current US government. Lying to get a job is a breach in a contract.

Further, anti-abortion laws are a clear violation of the 14th, sec 1, on two accounts. They do abridge currently constitutional women’s rights in the USA. And they do restrict a woman’s liberty or freedom.

Three Supreme Court Justices Lied while Reciting their Oath of Office

I, Neil Gorsuch, do solemnly swear that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as a Supreme Court Justice under the Constitution and laws of the United States.

Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett are not even trying to live up to this oath. They know what the 14th Sec 1 says, and they are ignoring it. The only reasonable assumption is they have been paid off somehow to rule against the words they spoke at their confirmation hearings.

I am calling for these three justices to recuse themselves from weighing in on Roe matters, and if they will not, for them to be stripped of their positions for perjury if they weigh in contrary to their positions when questioned by the people’s representatives. I realize this may end up just being a “political” statement and that there may be no “mechanism” to remove justices from their seats. But it’s going to take a lot of motivated people to make needed changes in thsi country, and the SCOTUS is very vulnerable right now to scrutiny from people on both sides. And is the unity we need. The GOP plays this way. We must this time. Our motives are salient.

I also think Clarence Thomas must recuse himself in matters dealing with the insurrection. His wife was involved in planning the most dangerous and traitorous act vs our government in its entire history. The Rosenbergs were executed for far less after WW2. Clarence is not his wife, granted. But he comforts her daily. And that is also prohibited by the 14th – sec 3.

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or “comfort” to the enemies thereof.

So when people talk about adding four justices to the court, the Constitution actually obliges us to remove four justices and nominate four more unless they do some heavy “recusing” in the next few weeks – and before that ruling becomes public and starts changing lives for American women.

Please share these thoughts with your representatives, family and friends. This is a war vs women now and the attackers are drunk with power and will not stop. Under it all, there is this ruling class mentality that exists in authoritarian governments; it has now crept into our government, exaggerated by four years of Trump, and it must now be excised from all branches of our government.

Thank You

Joseph Aronesty @EnglishCodeWord

Woman’s March May 14th 2022 – Los Angeles City Hall

Notice: For Ilhan Omar and All Politicians

Dear Ilhan: I see how people who know you love you. Welcome home. I don’t want what I am about to say to be taken the wrong way, but I do wish you would allow yourself to be seen without your native hijab at least once on public television.

Why do I advise this strategy? You have become Trump’s 2020 Hillary – his scapegoat. And with one speech, you have a chance to shut Trump’s hate campaign down! I know it sounds crazy, but please follow along. You got close with your message on Thursday. 

Seasoned politicians know they must always consider how they are seen by others. They seek to create policies that support the majority of Americans because they know they are in the business of caring for Americans. Those who know and support you are more than okay with your head dress. But you must know there are some that are actually afraid of that hijab look. It’s sad, stupid, unfair, unfounded and mostly cowardly. But it’s also a reality in today’s polarized environment. Trump is using your hat, not you, as a visual to paint you as “the other”. For his uneducated supporters, it’s going to work!

100-squad-hijabBecause you are never seen without the hijab, people figure you are orthodox and  upholding this old school Islamic tradition. It feels like what the Amish do. They police modesty with traditional clothing. However, it’s also clear the hijab was created to stifle some part of a woman’s freedom, eve if only to dictate modesty to them.  So even people who support your right to dress anyway you want, as I do – may view your hijab as a weak spot – a loyalty to something few Americans can identify with.  

The more important thing to realize is that the hijab actually scares some reasonable percentage of Americans. These might view the hijab the way you might view a swastika.

And that’s why smart politicians learn to blend in. Why would they want to scare any people? And now I am going to show you how to use people’s irrational fear of your hijab to dismantle the Trump hate campaign in one press conference. But let me go on a minute more here about how you are seen by some people that are not Muslim.

People who are not orthodox, religious and atheists ( that sums to a huge percentage of all Americans these days ) are often the most tolerant, but they all have made the choice to not believe too strongly in deities.  – So it’s clear you believe in something that they don’t believe in. It’s okay with them, but all people are more easily persuaded by those that they feel they know fully and trust. That’s why advertisers choose people who look like their audience to deliver messages. It’s common sense.

So if you are never seen without a hijab – regardless of your reasons –  it feels like some part of you is stuck in a tradition that clearly was not born here. It’s the hijab – not you – not your darker skin tone – that Trump is attacking. And his base is sucking it up. 

I also don’t think politicians should wear one’s religion on one’s sleeve, because we have a clear division of religion and government here – unlike in the Middle East. Our politicians mostly all have religions they belong to.  But you can’t tell what religion they align with by the way they dress. They don’t flaunt their religions. And that is just smart. 

Further, religious people first subjugate themselves to rules of men and gods created long ago by people who could not possibly know our modern world. (That’s the born-again humanist in me coming out. Please tolerate that opinion. It’s not easy for a free thinker like me to say this.)  I know all American people have a right to worship a god and take part in traditions. But politicians have a primary loyalty to the people they serve and they have to be smart about things that everyday people don’t have to reckon with. 

aside – about me – Though I was born Jewish, my adult-self evolved. I became a humanist. I believe in the sovereignty and goodness of well-intended thinking humans. I see these different deities primarily serve to divide us.  There has never been scientific proof of one god’s existence. And we certainly need to get back to science to see the planet any more. Free thinkers believe our own eye’s and minds and can work to make the world a better place for all humans. 

Look at Israel and the Middle East. How is religion in government helping that situation out? It’s not! It’s causing the tensions. If you can’t empathize with those Americans who might see you as a foreigner whose ultimate loyalty is to a god – which by definition is not the American people, how can you expect them to empathize with or for you? 

What would be the cost for a temporary olive branch sent to those who see you as a foreigner? Some pride. Some principle. But nothing beyond your personal ego really. The world is bigger than any of our egos. 

We now all know you are the squad member that inspired Trump to call you all foreigners. And it’s because of the hijab. You have to know that. That’s what sets you apart from the others – and all other Congresspeople. 

And we can’t be about ego now. Think WW2 gen. No egos. You are in public service now and we have a crisis. That means you should be doing your best to reach all Americans – even those who are overly reactive to or afraid of foreign appearances. And Ilhan, we have them here in the USA. Further, fear of the other is a human ( and animal ) instinct. It’s a survival instinct. It’s not going away. Time to be smart. 

And yes, I am sure you have got threats from that hating bunch. You should always think John Lennon or Abe Lincoln. The hate is out there. You can’t make it go away overnight. – And people of that ilk will need to learn to like you who if you are to reach them with your ideas. That can happen over time or even overnight.  But sometimes you have to be the bigger person so to speak.

Trump knows that hijab is your weak spot. Certainly not your pretty face and spirit. Take the target down at least a few days. Do something they won’t expect! So important right now while the camera is on you. 

So this is the strategy.

#1. ANNOUNCE A PRESS CONFERENCE – Everyone will be there. Fox too.

#2. SHOCK THE WORLD AND DO THIS SANS HIJAB. But the hijab should be there on the podium! 

#3. Find your own way to say this.

I have called this press conference because I am appalled at the way Donald Trump is creating and pumping out messages of hate about duly elected, hard-working, female Congresspeople. All Americans should be appalled by his hateful words.

You see me here today for the first time without wearing my traditional hijab. i am not doing this for my supporters and constituents. They are okay with me for who I am.

I have taken the hijab off today for the people who are receptive to Trump’s messages of hate. I want you to see that I am just like any other American woman – or American black woman. In fact, I believe that we are all the same – regardless of race religion or age. We all want the same things. We all want a productive life filled with love, family friends and accomplishments. We want to stay in good health for as long as we can – and when we are not well – we want good care. We want access to good education. We want to enjoy healthy clean water and food.

I take this hijab off today because I sincerely believe some Trump supporters are literally afraid of this hat. Well here it is. The hijab is just a tradition to remind women that modesty is a proper way of being. That is something Donald Trump never learned growing up as a privileged spoiled child in the Bronx. Trump embodies the opposite of modesty. The Amish people also have such a tradition and dress “plain” for that reason. Are you afraid of Amish people?

Then go on to round out your statement. The idea is to call Trump and his followers cowards – without using that word. So it’s more of a “what are you afraid of” statement you want to make. State your weight if need be. You are not anything to be afraid of. Make them love you for that moment.

After this you can go back to hijab – but this press conference will embarrass Trump supporters so deeply you may reach them. You want them to see you and say to themselves – why is Trump making us hate this woman who has so much good inside her?

When you get that message across – without a hijab – they will hear  you – and it will penetrate. Then Trump won’t be able to SELL HIS SUPPORTERS on MESSAGES OF HATE again. You will have shut it all down. It’s a King’s New Clothes moment. You will have exposed his tactic.  And even MAGA people won’t like looking like they are afraid of a young woman with a soft voice and non-threatening appearance.

You alone can do this now! But before Mueller speaks. Then the news cycle changes.

I am Jewish. The women sometimes wear wigs for the same reason. These cover-up traditions were likely created by men who want to control their women. Telling a woman what to wear – is by its nature not progressive right there. It’s darn close to telling a women she can’t have an abortion too. It’s reminiscent of Sharia law as well. It’s not helping your ability to be an effective public service.

Well, you are bigger than that now if you want to be. Tell me how you feel about this. – email me. Or text 818 423 1533. 

I am 71 now. Seen a lot. Learned a lot. Even went to school with Trump ( Penn ) who paid for his homework BTW. Read some of my posts here.

I am on the side of this democracy. i write about it. I write songs about it too. Listen a bit -links at the top.  I’m a bit Messianic. It’s why I am reaching out to you. 

We need all of you Ilhan. Your hijab is the source of Trump’s you hate America meme and the send them back meme. You need to realize that and then decide to do something about it. 

Think of you not wearing a hijab for 10 minutes as a man putting on a tie occasionally to fit in. Look on TV. Every news caster, every politician – is a bit in costume. You stick out. You want to stick your for your voice – not your foreign looks. The other SQUAD members are POC but look like Americans. 

Your name – OMAR – means “word” in Hebrew. I imagine it means word in Somali too. I wrote a book on etymology – Deciphering the English Code.  I see how all languages connect to a more basic physical language that we used before we learned to speak about 100,000 years ago – in Africa! Yes, English began in Africa – but the English quashed that knowledge 1000 years ago in the Crusades – a “religious” war. I see how we are all the same. Religions that separate us really bug me because we have to get past this to survive as a species. 

OMAR. Break it apart to O + MAR. The MAR is the same as in MAR-A-LAGO and MARINE. At first it appears to be about water. But think also MIRAGE, MIRROR and ADMIRE. The MR sound is linked to WATER and VISION. Now look at this. SEA and SEE. ( water and vision ) OCEAN and OCULAR. ( water and vision ) WATCH and WATER. DRAW and DRINK.

How are water and vision connected? Well before MIRRORS we had to look in water to see our own faces. Imagine that! It has been the reality of mankind for 100,000 years.
The O in OMAR represents just what it does in your mouth – roundness – fullness. Words were thought as as fuller vision. And they are. 

There is also a connection between words and light. That’s why it’s LI-brary and LITE-rature. It’s why ORAL sounds like AURA. I really like my book. I’d like to send you one upon request.

So OMAR, we need to hear your words coming form your mind – and not distracted by the appearance of traditional religious thinking. You are young still. You may evolve yourself in time to become a humanist. But right now, letting go of that crutch ( as I see it ) or your religious freedom ( as you see it ) – for 10 minutes – just so people can see you are capable doing this for the good of the country – would help the cause of the SQUAD and the American people you serve – quite a bit.

You are becoming the thing the haters will vote against. You are becoming Trump’s 2020 Hillary. We don’t need that. I hope you see that. And that is endangering our democracy and the planet.

Sent with love.

Joseph Aronesty


Defining “Traitor” and “Patriot” in our Cyber Era. Slow-walked Impeachment

“Patriot” and “Traitor” are totally opposite concepts.
patriot – a person who loves, supports and defends his or her country and its interests with devotion.
traitor – a person who betrays a country, tradition, principle or friend.
In 1776, thirteen English colonies threw off the yoke of being governed by a king and created a unique document to govern themselves.  Our founding fathers replaced royalty with elected officials. Free and fair elections are still the main concept that differentiates the USA from banana republics and kingdoms. But now, in a cyber age, American elections must be safeguarded if we are to remain that uniquely free country. Therefore those who violate election laws should be considered traitors to our democracy and be punished as traitors. It’s that simple. 
Rudy Guiliani just said, it’s okay to knowingly use stolen hacked information to aid one’s political campaign. Trump said long ago “it all doesn’t matter if I don’t win.” Apparently, some people think it’s okay to do anything to win. To them, the ends justify the means. 
But the vast majority of actual American citizens still believe our elections are sacred and their sanctity should never be violated regardless of reasons. After all, one can always make up reasons and justifications to cheat or break the laws which govern us. All criminals their actions when they decide to break, disregard or claim they don’t know – the law.  
russia-listeningThe dictionary’s definition of “traitor” ( a person who betrays a friend, country, tradition or principle) fits Donald Trump on all four counts. The “Benedict Arnold” definition of traitor –  leaking military strategies to an enemy combatant – is not the only definition of “traitor”.
Since Trump won’t  release the interpreter’s notes of his meetings with Vladimir Putin, we can’t even be sure he has not already leaked military secrets to the Russians. Further, attacking our elections should be considered an act of war. Wars are about taking something from another country by force. there can be wars without killing. So in this cyber age, maybe we have to redefine war. The Trumps – and only the Trumps – have benefited from the traitorous activity in his campaign. Those who carried out his criminal orders, his campaign manager, national security adviser, associates and lawyers are in jail or indicted for crimes. So I see Trump as a person who went to war with our US elections – and enrolled help from our biggest enemy on the world stage. To me, that’s cyber treason. We just released a domestic terrorist after 17 years for less than what Trump did. 
Almost daily, Trump betrays our American institutions, principles and traditions. 
  • Trump betrays a very necessary American institution, the FBI,  when he says their agents are somehow evil or “bad cops” because they are doing their jobs and duly investigating the Trump Organization’s many crimes.                                                                
  • Trump and the GOP were traitors to the founding American principle of a level paying field for all citizens when they tilted the tax system to favor their wealthy donors over average and lower income Americans.                                                                                                         
  • Trump remains a traitor to the American principle of equal justice under the law. He refuses to be open or transparent with his taxes and business finances even though Congress has the constitutional right and duty to have these documents.                            
  • When Trump Jr. responded to a Russian letter offering election help with “If it’s what you said, I love it” that was traitorous activity.  A founding principle of this nation is free and fair elections. Anyone who tries to fix or tilt an election via help from foreign entities who have no natural allegiance to the USA is engaged in traitorous activity.                                                                                                                                   
  • When Trump asked Russians to hack Hillary’s emails, he was being traitorous to the American principle of keeping foreign influence out of our elections, which is obviously the smart and right thing to strive for. It is illegal to take foreign money or assistance in national elections. Why? Because this is our home not theirs.                                                                                             
  • Money laundering and stashing one’s funds in undeclared foreign bank accounts to cheat one’s government out of 500 million dollars in taxes are traitorous activities.    
  • When Trump took Putin’s word about not meddling in our elections over the word of our own National Security Agency (NSA)  that was a betrayal of our national security. It was pretty clear he did this to protect his business relations with Putin.
Patriot is defined as: a person who loves, supports, and defends his country and its interests with devotion. Trump certainly likes to make believe he is is a patriot and loves photo ops with military people. But Donald Trump was a draft dodger and is a tax evader as well. One who skirts his tax and service obligations is clearly not devoted to one’s country but to one’s own self-interests. And we all know this describes Donald Trump to a tee. ( pardon the pun) 
That last word “devotion” is important because anyone who pays taxes is financially is “supporting one’s country”. But paying taxes is a legal obligation to one’s country. paying taxes does not make you a patriot. And even there, Trump tries to skirt his tax obligations. The key word in the definition of patriot is “devoted”.  Trump has only ever been devoted to his own – not country.
America was once world-renown as the land of the free. Is America just its land and assets? Or is America also its people and their issues? A free country is comprised of  “people living on a land area within set borders, bound by laws and joined by history.”
Trump has no problem calling anyone who does not like or support him “his enemy and an enemy of the state“. He uses that term for the free press, for justices that do not rule his way, but also for those who won’t vote for or support him. When a POTUS deems more than half the citizens he presides over to be his enemies – how can he be thought of as being patriotic to his country? It makes no sense. 
One defends one’s country by defending the people that live in that country – not just its land, assets and resources. Not just half the people. Not only one’s wealthy supporters. Anyone – citizen or president – who systematically alienates about 55% of the citizens of his country – cannot possibly be defending his countrymen. Actually, Trump’s incompetence and lack of care or discipline is endangering our country and its citizens. 
So by all reasonable standards we have a traitorous, unpatriotic, uncaring, narcissistic and ego-maniacal president. And every day he is in office presents a serious risk we should not willingly be accepting.  
It’s time to put Americans first – and that means protecting Americans against what Trump still might do to keep his stolen fortune. And he will do anything for that. Remember Trump said, “it all doesn’t matter if I don’t win.”  That means World War is not off the table for Trump if it distracts us from prosecuting him. Letting Russia hack our grid so there is no election at all in November – is not off the table! Nothing is off the table for Trump. Trump is the definition of a loose cannon. 
There’s one more thing. I hear some Dems saying don’t start impeachment because it won’t help our 2020 election chances. That school of thought just gives Trump more time in office. And that means those who are okay with Trump staying POTUS for two more years are okay with taking the very same risks they fear with him in office now. It’s like they said, yeah well, he’s not really that dangerous. And that koshers Trump for 2020.
Trump and his GOP stooges must be stained forever for what they have done and for what they are doing to America – the land of the free.  That stain should be ingrained into our history books so this can never happen again.  We will need the full truth to be exposed. It’s time for hearings. It’s time for Mueller to testify. We don’t need to call it impeachment yet. But hearings will function as a slow-walked impeachment. That is what we will need to save or restore our American democracy.
And for those that worry that it won’t result in the removal of the president because 54 GOP senators may continue to defend the president, even if the majority of Americans want the truth, well at least we will have them on record for defending Trump’s criminal deeds. And maybe the GOP base will get sickened at last about what their sold out party stands for. Because they don’t stand for Americans. When the base starts to be uneasy they will pressure the 54 and then Trump is either done or he escalates our danger.
Finally, we are not the only country trending towards oligarchy. The entire world is watching to see if Americans can save their democracy. If we fail, God only knows where this world is headed. 
Relevant prior posts: 
This post describes why the world is trending towards oligarchy. 
This post describes why we must see Trump’s taxes.

About the Author:

A cyber war is a war of words. Our writers, reporters, techs and artists become our warriors in a cyber war. Raise Our Voices! 

Joseph Aronesty graduated from University of Pennsylvania in 1971. He earned a merit scholarship to Wharton School but transferred to liberal arts in his junior year to focus on history, literature and music theory. He was in a class at Wharton with Donald Trump in 1967: International Finance. Trump paid for his homework to get done in that class.

When the internet became viable in 1995, Mr. Aronesty created what is arguably is the world’s first click and buy e-commerce website.

Joseph is also a published songwriter, with hundreds of songs in his catalog. He now writes with musicians in Los Angeles, where he makes his home. He is an activist and some of his songs reflect a political point of view.

Donald Trump is Drunk-Driving Our Governmental Institutions

GOVERN (v.): late 13c., “to rule with authority,” from Old French governer “steer, be at the helm of; govern, rule, command, direct”. Originally “to steer, to pilot,” a nautical word borrowed from Greek kybernan “to steer or pilot a ship, (also the root of cyber – interesting huh?). 

We elect officials into our government to effectively STEER our institutions for the common good. How is our current government doing at that task?


Ask yourself these questions: If a train engineer gets drunk and derails a train is he responsible? If a car driver gets distracted by texting and accidentally kills a pedestrian, is that driver responsible?

The answer to those questions is clearly “yes” – both morally and legally. In these cases, the bad actors would be found temporarily incompetent and fully responsible for the damages done due their incompetence. After all, when we board a train we expect the engineer to be competent. – And we expect licensed drivers also to be safe drivers.

So why then is it okay to violate one’s oath of office and stay in power? Why is it okay to head the institution of Environmental Protection and use that power to derail its commissioned mission to protect the environment? Why are the players in the Flint Michigan water crisis not responsible for the Flint deaths and misery?

And yes – why do we allow Trump to stay on as president? Should not lying over 8000 times in office be enough evidence for us to deem him unfit to act as our president? Why is lying to citizens while in office not illegal? It is a violation of the presidential oath. It seems to you can lose your driver’s license easier than lose your license to act as president. It makes zero sense.

I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Is not the word “faithfully” diametrically opposed to “dishonestly”? So lying to the public is not faithful execution any more than lying to one’s spouse would be a faithful act. 

When you take a job that can effect the lives of others, there is an inherit obligation to function in a manner that is sober, honest and competent. Donald Trump had repeatedly shown that he is okay with lying. There have already been over forty criminal indictments so far in the Mueller probe – and they involve people that works for Donald Trump one way or another. That pressure is substantial. If every moment of every day he has to worry about his family and business being dragged into a criminal status, like his associates and accomplices are right now  –  how can he soberly steer this gigantic ship called the USA? How could anyone in that situation be trusted to steer our ship?

Donald Trump is steering our government – but more like a drunk driver speeding away from a hit and run. His judgment at the helm has been effectively impaired by a combination of narcissism, greed, criminal activity – and a total lack of empathy. Further, Trump is constantly shouting “fake news” to divert his base from believing their own eyes about the committed crimes with Russians to get elected. Election meddling is the actual hit-and-run crime he is speeding away from.

Nothing is off the table for Trump in his effort to avoid that prosecution. We must be careful – and even more careful over time.  – As judgment day approaches his only escape routes are war escalation – national emergencies – and pardoning his accomplices. 

All these incessant diversionary efforts would be exhausting for anyone, let alone the 72-year-old, out-of-shape Trump.  They compound daily and serve to cloud his judgement in steering all our government affairs – domestic are foreign.  How can we feel safe with Donald Trump at the helm of our government? We can’t and we don’t.

Do you feel safe with Donald Trump at the helm of our nation? Are we just getting used to feeling unsafe, the way we got used to the Cold War? Take a poll if you want to – but most people don’t feel safer today than they did 3 years ago. When in the past Presidents have let us down, we always thought at least they cared about Americans. There has been no evidence that Donald Trump is capable of caring about us – or anyone – in his first two years in office. That is more troubling than his bumbling incompetence. Even his base only gets lip service. He’s not doing much for them either. Ask red state citizens if they are really doing better under Trump’s new tax policy that favors the wealthy or if they like his tariffs. They don’t!

People who did not know Donald Trump before he burst into politics often thought he was just another rich business-owner and likely competent for the job of POTUS. But even if he was competent at one time,  after two years of scandals and indictments, Trump has become totally incompetent to soberly steer our country! He is functioning like a drunk driver – carelessly veering from point to point – all to escape justice, with neither direction nor respect for history and tradition.

There are steps we can and must take to safeguard our democracy until the full truth comes to light about Donald Trump. Cornered criminals do not give up easily. Trump is like a cancer in our body politic. Treating Trump with a wait it out strategy, like one does for a common cold, is a huge tactical error – and is totally irresponsible on our part.

So we must immediately limit his powers to pardon anyone in the Mueller cross-hairs (including himself)  and limit his war powers until the investigation into his criminality is finished and published.

Pass this post and your ideas forward and upward. United We Stand.

Joseph Aronesty: Author, Linguist, Songwriter, E-commerce pioneer, Activist   @EnglishCodeWord 


Please scan through the following three posts and consider following this blog. Solidarity works. Thank you for your participation in helping to rid ourselves of the diseased humans at the top of our government.

Trump is One of Many Corrupt Rulers Who Launder Money Internationally

Can Restricting Two of Trump’s Presidential Powers Save Our Democracy?

What If Trump and the Entire Executive Branch Has Been Suborned?


An Online Public Forum for Democracy Could Redefine Politics As We Know It

Manipulating public opinion via social media played a critical role in Trump’s 2016 win. But what happens if we use that same social media technology for good? It’s time to find out. 

Online technologies at Facebook, Twitter and Google were very influential in the outcome of the 2016 presidential election. One consequence of the Russian bots foreign election influence was the moral authority of the Trump admin and the GOP were suspect for four years. That stain will never go away. It clearly was unhealthy for our democracy. 

It seems to me, the human appetite for wealth and power is the root problem – and will always be the problem for all governments – democracies, autocracies and inbetween.  What’s good for one person is not necessarily good for all people, as resources are, by nature, limitied. So we will always get people who get into politics primarily for themselves – not to serve the public. 

Transparent Open-Source Democracy Software could cure that issue which is built into the human spirit. Why let these communication technologies drown us, when we can just as easily ride a technological wave to a better democracy here and consequently to a better planet for all mankind? In other words, why should the bad guys be using these media technologies while we sit by and watch this same show over and over again? It’s just not smart. 

The very same platforms that helped spread Russian lies and fake news, changing the arc of American politics, can be used to heal our divided country and create an informed consensus that reflects the true attitudes and desires of the majority of Americans. 

Open-Source Issue-driven Democracy Software and an Online Forum would function as a perpetual town hall meeting. It would inform our elected representatives of what the majority of Americans want. We will never have to hear politicians tell us what we want again! These are six steps that could form the backbone of a theoretical Public Forum for Democracy. This works for city, state and federal governments. 


Step One. DEFINE THE ISSUES: Instead of candidates telling us what we want or need, candidates ask their constituency what they want to address or change. This can be done in town halls, but those meetings should be televised, youtubed, and made available in all forms of social media. Of course, candidates can have an opionion on matters. But their right to vote against the will of their consituency must be made illegal. The public has the final choice on all issues that are not military – or we never really have a democracy. There is a dark, smug reasoning that many politicians hold secretly: people don’t know what they want; they need to be told and they can’t handle the truth.  None of the above is true, nor does it lead to healthy civic habits or a robust democracy. 

Step Two: GET EDUCATED ON THE ISSUES. There are so many ways this can be done online. Videos. Discussions with experts. Town Halls. Articles emailed and posted to social media. Having opinions when one has little knowledge on the science and mechanics of the issue is not the same as an opinion when you know about the subject. This is an ongoing page of the public forum. There is always something new to learn.

Here is my example short list of ten top issues pressing on Americans right now. But I welcome a discussion on these issues. 

  1. Healthcare – How do we want to treat pre-existing conditions? Do we want medicare for all or a combination of two systems? How do we rein in prescription drug prices? What do we do when people don’t want healthcare? etc.
  2. Taxation and income inequality – Income inequality is a world-wide issue. Should there be a cap on what SEO’s can make? Should the tax break given to big corps by the Trump administration continue, expand – or scale back? Do we need a more progressive tax system the way it was in the 1950’s? etc. 
  3. Gun laws – Do the majority of Americans want background checks? Checks on automatic weapons? Better protection in schools? etc. 
  4. Border Security – What do we really want here?
  5. Infrastructure – American infrastructure is falling behind the pace set in modern countries like Japan. Where and when do we start catching up? 
  6. Money in politics – Do Americans like Citizens United and lobbying? Should government reps not be able to serve unless they show their taxes? 
  7. Internet regulations and social media – What do Americans on both sides want here?
  8. Gerrymandering and voting rights – What do we want? This should not be up  to elected officials in a democracy. 
  9. Climate science, environment and R & D – The planet’s #1 issue needs our all our focused energies. We don’t need to be torn apart over this. The software would allow the smartest among us to educate all of us with brilliant ideas that can be deployed. 
  10. Education – We are falling behind in all age levels when it comes to education. How do we turn this around?

What does this software look like?  This is what democracy looks like.

It just looks like a website with categories to explore. Nothing complicated. The categories are simply the issues we need to discuss. In each category, there are links to education on the issue, articles by experts from both sides, guest speakers and a chat room where citizens can discuss issues in a civil manner. Bad words are auto-censored. The technology for all of this exists. People who violate rules of engagement are banned.

No bots are allowed. There are ways to insure that. Facebook just does not try hard enough. Besides the education room and chat room there are two more rooms. One is a voting room. First Tuesday of every month we all vote on what we are learning. The votes are never for people. The votes are for the issues. And there is a vote tabulation room where results are published. That creates the big data we need to know where the center of America really is. 

Penalties for wayward politicians must be established in 2019. Showing one’s taxes is a must. The law should read that no one can “serve” in federal government without openly declaring 6 years of taxes. We don’t want this to happen ever again.

Politicians who do not vote for what the majority decides are violating their oaths of office. We’ll have to make laws that say violating one’s oath is grounds for immediate impeachment. None of this 66% of the Congress stuff. That’s the law that has us in chains. I don’t think the founders figured on Congress members becoming so sold out. Morality and economics were way different when our constitution was written. And generally, relying on things that were written so long ago is a recipe for being out of touch. 

And that’s it. The Forum for Democracy can help us solve our political and civic engagement problems. It could finally make good use of internet and social media technologies. And if it works here, it can work anywhere. Brexit? It can work there too. The Middle East? Why not?  But first things first. We really have to fix the American democracy first. The world is watching. Our example can reform the world. And if we don’t succeed we may enter a new modern form of the Middle Ages. 

The software can be adopted by a small group, like a town. That town could be here in the USA or a village somewhere in Africa. It works the same everywhere and anywhere people want democracy to govern their decisions! It can start small like a ripple. But it scales large like a tsunami. 

We all now can see the degree of dysfunction and corruption in governments, both here and abroad. The media is doing that job fairly well. So with that track record and with Congress being less popular than cockroaches, why should citizens leave their governing to politicians? That seems to be a long-broken model. But that dysfunctional model can be fixed with Democratic Software and a burning desire to clean up corruption. 

Let’s face it. Politicians have repeatedly proven themselves to be sold out as a group. Yes, there are some dedicated public servants in politics. Our new Congress has many optimistic young members. But there are also greedy business people and criminals who, legally and illegally, consider public service as an opportunity to steal from the public.  Some even have foreign bank accounts to hide their theft. These politicians are, at best, unnecessary middlemen for our values – and at worse, they just ignore them and push for self-dealing. 

Democratic Software, where citizens openly discuss ideas to improve their own common welfare and how to pay for it, could repair the citizen-representative disconnect which exists today even in so-called Democratic countries. That disconnect is glaringly obvious in the Trump GOP. They passed tax cuts for super-rich without the consent of their electorate. And they are trying to dismantle HealthCare for all, which just about every citizen wants. It makes zero sense to allow these people to legislate for us. 

In a representative democracy, politicians should be doing our bidding. The re– in “re-presentative” government means we must first “present” our ideas. If we don’t first present ideas, we can’t blame the humans-are-greedy-by-nature politicians for taking advantage of their status – and representing for themselves or for their donors.  Same thing when they can get paid secretly. After all, the largest USA representative, our president, is openly and clearly self-dealing.

So we need a private platform where we can voice and discuss our ideas and reach a consensus. And we have the technology already! What are we waiting for? We have reached the “just do it” moment. We can’t blame the politicians any longer. It’s getting old.  We can only blame ourselves for letting them do this to us – over and over again.

The new Congress must change the laws against self-dealing too. Why do we allow representatives to have undeclared bank accounts? Why do we allow a presidential candidate to not show his taxes.  This is pure stupidity. And it’s killing us.

One of the biggest challenges for the new Congress is to restore faith in the Congress. Many who support Trump still would still vote for Trump over Hillary. They reason she was dirty too. Some think Obama, Bush and Clinton were dirty as well. Trump and GOP supporters will need to see that there is such a thing as politicians who really care and for for the common welfare. If they don’t see and believe that, they will stick to what they are familiar with and we will continue this downwards spiral as a country. This is Russia’s long game objective. They have the patience to watch us devolve. We are actually losing that patience here now. We have to reach the “enough” phase and soon.

Politicians should really be bots for our decisions and have no right to sabotage the majority opinion.

There would be chat rooms to discuss all issues from gay rights to gun rights and links to real information from recognized experts on all sides of the arguments. There could even be a place for political ads ( to help pay for the servers and tech – this has to be a non-profit enterprise ) by American companies and vetted individuals, with equal space for ads guaranteed. We don’t have to wait for government to do this! This software would exist now outside of government with the objective to inform government with big data. 

And yes, some issues are more national in scope than others, like air and water quality.  There could be even world-wide discussions to pave a way to real world peace – to end terrorism – and even to insure the survival of the species. Imagine that! We can have forums on global warming and listen to the experts and then take informed actions.

We have this technology right now! The Google/Facebook technology was sabotaged by international criminals to get their boy to win the election of 2016. Reverse engineer this technology to redefine the way government functions.  This is easy! Look into They have the voting software already! We’ll need to partner with them or someone like them. 

Regular Mock Votes 

An essential part of any mock government site would be regularly scheduled mock voting days. Maybe we could have them once a month to form good habits. We could call the first Tuesday of every month – Mock Vote Day – and reinforce the healthy civic tradition of getting real information and voting our own minds.

The sheer numbers in these monthly mock government votes would inform the honest players in our actual government as to the direction the majority really wants to be steered. Those who would de-rail this will be swiftly exposed. Mock Democracy with voting software is a super strong meme. Statistics don’t lie – they inform us. 

And then we can finally insist that our representatives re-present the ideas of the majority, the way a democracy should work.  Politicians who don’t represent the consensus would be quickly exposed and voted out or removed from office for not representing the majority, which his their sworn duty. 

TRANSPARENT OPEN-SOURCE DEMOCRACY FORUM (SOFTWARE) Ideally, this starts small and software improvements are made as needed.

CITY > STATE > COUNTRY > GLOBE                                

This is also the smartest way we can deal with the real elephant in our room –  global warming. We’ll have to pool our brains and cut out the autocrats who milk the old ways for their own good – to the detriment of the human species. 

Based on the current popularity of political news shows, I think Americans are ready for this. We can essentially use the same door employed to enter this dysfunctional governmental state- to exit it!

And if they ( Facebook, Google, or CNN) don’t want to do this – we can do this ourselves too. We can even Shark Tank the concept, if need be

Can we share this on social media so it gets to the powers that be in the media, please?


Relevant prior posts:

This post explains why we are in this struggle. It’s not about right vs. left. That is a facade. It’s about criminals and autocrats infiltrating governments everywhere. 

Trump is One of Many Corrupt Rulers Who Launder Money Internationally

This post explains how in a country of 300 million, a handful of humans can steer the laws of our country so they benefit the richest and most dishonest among us. 

What If Trump and the Entire Executive Branch Has Been Suborned?

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About the Author

Joseph Aronesty graduated from University of Pennsylvania in 1971.  He attended an International Finance class with Donald Trump, back in the day – and worked close to Trump in AC in the 1980’s.

Joseph Aronesty is a father of five, e-commerce pioneer, songwriter, author, creator of Etymology by Ear, activist since 2015. @EnglishCodeWord

After the Midterms We Must Make America United Again

It’s now pretty clear to all Americans the election of 2016 was a sordid affair on both sides. The candidates were clearly willing to cheat to win. Hillary got super-delegates to vote against their constituents’ chosen candidate – Bernie.  Trump one-upped her by enrolling Russians ( clearly illegal,  unpatriotic and unethical ) to help him with social media campaigns.  Both sides were clearly crooked. Trump said this early on his campaign. “What does it matter if I don’t win?” Winning was just too important to both candidates and to their parties.

And that’s because behind these parties, there are large financial contributors who expect payback for their “investments”. If we don’t find a way to get money out of politics, this insanity is not going away. Got it?

American voters sort of knew both candidates choices were sold out. For voters, the 2016 election was more about voting out a long-established, entrenched and tone deaf government system than voting in anyone. The reality was Bernie, who delivered a sincere ( and perhaps overly idealistic )  populist message from the heart, was played by HRC, who was played by Trump. The 2016 election was like a game of rock/paper/scissors and spy vs. spy – combined.

Do we want 2016 to be the new standard in US elections? I don’t think so. Maybe politicians don’t mind this syndrome, as they can find ways to milk a rig-able system, but the general population really hates it. That’s why congress has such a low popularity.

2018 midterms are a blip away. If we go back to DEM vs GOP, to left vs. right, progressive vs. liberal, god vs. science, white vs. black, Christian vs. Muslim, men vs. women – we will continue to sink as a nation. Divided we will fail. That’s pretty clear.

Unfortunately, because Trump is primarily a money-loving cheater and con man, he must now try to obstruct justice and keep his party in power regardless of what the public wants. And the majority of the US public wants his party out of power. So right there we have a president who is working to undermine democracy, the very thing this country was based on! His business and tax cheating will certainly result in more election cheating to protect what has been stolen from the public. – Trump knows all this. cheating to win is the best they can do when they don;t care about the public. It’s what every dictator does. They ram laws down our throats and enforce them with police and military force. This is sick. And it must be stopped. 

 (Links to prior posts on Trump’s cheating. It started in college – U of P. I was there and witnessed it. )

After the midterms, we will need a political attitude adjustment, – fresh inspiring ideas that can erase the borders we have constructed in our minds.  Maybe this simple idea is it: imagine there were no political parties – or more of them.

The two party system plays a huge part in keeping our country divided. And do you know who likes that? Big business! Big business does better when there is no unity, focus or drive in the spirit of the working class. And it’s big business that pays off the politicians. In this new oligarchy era big business aligns financially with lawmakers to bust up unions, underpay workers, overpay CEO’s, give tax breaks to their rich buddies, use robots for work men can do, fix the vote, not pay for the old and sick and pollute the environment for profit.

That’s a short list of the crimes against the citizens of the USA that is going on right now under the current administration. But it’s been other administrations too – to various degrees. The system is broken. And if we don’t stop this, the living standards here in USA will continue to sink – as they have been since the 1980’s.


This is just my idealistic solution. But if we are to have a real democracy this is one way it can actually be done. In theory, it would work well for all Americans except crooked politicians, CEO’s and the uber-rich.  

A web site is put up which simulates a mock government. Our key government issues are posted. The daily business of Congress is posted. The population gets educated on the issues at the site from people with experience in the various fields. Videos, chat rooms and a place to have discussions are created. No “bad words” are allowed. (Sorry to go all 1950’s on you, but words can educate us or divide us.)

The LI in LIBRARY and LITERATURE is the same LI that is in LIGHT. The OR is ORAL is the same OR that is in TORCH and WORD. The ancients knew that words were like light. So no bad words. Bad words are like cancer. In fact, that’s why they call it a MALIGNANCY, a bad light or fire. 

And then the site has a place for mock voting and taking polls. It’s a democracy, so the majority rules. Politicians can make their arguments too,  but the population’s majority sentiment must rule if the USA is going to continue to be called a democracy. In this world, the politicians must function as robots for the majority. We’ll have make it so people without personal computers or smart phones can get access to the site – say at libraries, schools or public buildings. And the site has to be unhackable but that is easier to do than one might think. Block-chain technology can do it. 

The site can apply to city, state and national levels. Politicians take an oath to vote for the will of the majority ( which they sort of do now but their oaths needs stronger wording ) and if they violate that they are removed from office and their opponent is installed or there is a line of succession. We would hardly need politicians to do anything more than educate us and do what we ask in Congress. And there would be no one to bribe in political office. 

Robots replacing humans in the workplace is a trend we are hearing more and more about these days. Most Americans don’t like it. I don’t favor robots that take away jobs for CEO profit. They are doing fine enough.

But when people cannot do their jobs honestly, maybe that’s a place where robots would work better than humans. Robot politicians?  Polibots? They do what their constituents request of them. Robots that cannot be re-programmed, hacked, suborned or bribed would be the goal. I sense blockchain technology would be involved.  And if the actual politicians continue to surrender to personal greed, I figure we might catch on and use actual robots. Then the world depicted in Minority Report might ensue. Who really knows what the future holds for the human species. It’s not looking good right now, is it?

Back on point. We are taxed as citizens. Taxation without representation is still tyranny. We need our interests and values to be represented. If we differ on values, the majority can rule on national issues, but the states provide leeway for diversity and so in a divided nation states rights makes sense to keep the peace. 

Regardless of what Trump GOP representatives say about promises made on the trailpolibots could not support or advance busting the ACA, or tax breaks for the rich because polls show the American people don’t want the GOP’s healthcare or tax breaks for the rich, business-owner class. Both these GOP ideas have support levels that are close to 22%. So they would be DOA in a real democracy.

A real democracy. It sounds like such a dream. A way forward where we build infrastructure, create new jobs that are clean. But we have the software to do all of this right now.

If you like this idea – spread it around on social media. Throw a stone and make a ripple. That’s how these things get started.


Let’s turn the Untied States of America into the United States of America – again. Or should I say, let’s Make Our States United Again.

I will add this. The WW11 generation fought to preserve democracy in the 1940’s. Their sacrifices will be recorded historically as an effort done in vein if we continue to allow money to sell us out the way we are today. 












How FDR Handled His Supreme Court Issue to Get the New Deal

4-horesemenFDR faced the issue of a Supreme Court determined to rule for the corporations and not the people. But he found a way around it. We can do what he did too! Step one is for us: make sure we VOTE OUT EVERY GOP politician at every level every time we vote. The GOP deserves to be completely rebuked by all American citizens.

There is NO LAW stating it has to be 9 JUSTICES! It can be 11 or 15 just as easy as 9. It is up to the Congress. So we  have to win in Congress to make this move to help the working people of the USA. The GOP has forced us to do this with their heartless ramrodding of laws and tax breaks for the rich that the majority of Americans do not want. And they did it first, so don’t be sorry. 

FDR and his Supreme Court

The “Four Horsemen” was the nickname given to four conservative members of the US Supreme Court during the 1932–1937 terms. They consistently opposed the New Deal agendas of President Franklin Roosevelt. They were opposed by the more liberal “Three Musketeers”.  Chief Justices Charles Hughes and Justice Owen Roberts controlled the balance, making the nine.

In the 1935 term, the Four Horsemen, together with Roberts and Hughes, voided the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933 along with the Federal Farm Bankruptcy Act, the Railroad Act, and the Coal Mining Act. Americans were suffering from the Depression and needed the help FDR wanted to create.

The result of this dynamic was a steady drift towards crisis with the Court. The 1935 SCOTUS was labeled by Justice Stone as “one of the most disastrous courts in US history”. New Dealers decried the Court’s actions promoted an “economic dictatorship”.

It was the Horsemen striking down FDR’s New Deal legislation that led FDR to announce a unique court-packing scheme, a proposal made in February 1937 to just appoint more Justices in order to change the composition of the Court. There was (and still is) nothing in the Constitution that says it has to be nine justices. Soon after FDR’s strategy was announced, it was rendered unnecessary when Justice Roberts, who had supported the Four Horsemen on several decisions during the 1935-36 term, sided with the Three Musketeers in a landmark minimum wage case in March 1937. The court balance literally changed in under 30 days – and America was saved.

FDR was a warrior, willing to do think outside-the-box to fight for democracy. FDR’s creative strategy made the Four Horsemen’s union seem doomed, and they buckled to public pressure. That lesson must be re-learned right now.

We have to begin to tell the GOP and ourselves that American Democracy will prevail regardless of how the SCOTUS appointment goes – or does not go. If we take back both houses, we can make it ten or even 15 justices. Nine is not in the Constitution. It’s totally up to Congress! Welcome back Merritt Garland! And if it takes FDR’s court-packing idea to reset democracy, we should start talking about that now.

Spread this memo around in your own way, please. It’s a bit of a history lesson, but it teaches us what has been necessary to defend democracy and that what we are experiencing today is not really new.

Also, note. Though the Four Horsemen ultimately broke ranks, they did so only after FDR made it clear he would pack the court to defend democracy. That’s when they realized they were wasting their time. And that’s when they quit. The same can happen now. The GOP must be made to know this – they cannot overrule the will of the American majority.

So let’s start talking about ten and even fifteen justices if the GOP is bent on ramming its unpopular agendas down our throats.

 Joseph Aronesty

7/2/18, 9/18/20

Why Putin Hacked Our Elections and Why He Wanted Trump

The 2016 hack and publish act is the greatest theft ever committed against the United States. It will be remembered that way, – if we survive this.

Originally written April 2017, the logic of this post is now undeniable. Hurry up Mueller! The whole truth must come out before election day so Americans can make well-informed voting decisions on November 6th. 

Dear Trump Supporter:

Spy Logistics

Imagine you were a Russian tasked with the goal to hack into the 2016 elections to get dirt on Hillary Clinton and help Trump win.  Where would you start? You certainly would not start at the top with Trump, unless you already knew him and his answer. Assuming you did not know if Trump would be okay with foreign hacking help in an election, yospiesu would first have to find that much out.  Why would you expose yourself as a criminal hacker, if the person you are trying to help might not be interested and even possibly turn you in?  To get that permission, you’d have to find a way explain the risks and rewards to Donald Trump.

Those actual inquiring communications from the Russians and the consequent permissions to proceed are the two main elements in the conspiracy to hack the 2016 United States electoral system.  The principles of the theft are clearly Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump, as they are the two prime beneficiaries of the theft. They are for whom the stealing was done. 

And what allies did the Russian hackers find here in America?  Steve Bannon, Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, Roger Stone, Jared Kushner top the list but there are many others. This is exactly what and whom ex-marine Bob Mueller is investigating. He is doing it to save America from being taken over by Russia – not with bullets ( they know they can’t do that) but with words. 

Trump knows zero about hacking, but said ( April 30, 2017) “It’s very hard to know who did a hack, once it’s done.” Who told him that?  He certainly did not read it somewhere. Someone told  him this as part of the attempt to get his permission. But, it backfired. Mueller’s team did indeed figure out who the hackers were. Maybe that’s what Trump will say to Putin privately in Helsinki “Hey Vlad, you said it could never be traced. Now what do I do?”  

It’s well-known that Donald Trump does not handle details. He never could. In college, he paid for his homework. ( I was in a class with him at Wharton and know this first-hand. ) Trump doesn’t “study”. He views preparation as beneath him. ( He has said that too, in his roundabout ways.) Trump pays people to do everything for him – even his reading and thinking. So it took detail-oriented Americans like Bannon, Stone, Flynn and Kushner to set this complex entanglement in motion. But even if Trump did not want to know the details of the 2016 hack and publish cyber-operation, the physical actors needed the permission of Donald Trump (or a nod from Donald Jr.) to actually go through with it all. This compares to a Mafia don ordering a hit. The don does not do the crime so he can claim “it wasn’t me”, but he still must approve it. 

Re: Ads in Facebook, Twitter and Google. Russians could not possibly know enough about the nuances of our complex country to time ads and precisely target the right audiences – like they did in places as remote as Ferguson, Mo. They needed American help. And that is espionage. The 2016 hack and publish act is the greatest theft ever committed against the United States. It will be remembered that way, – if we survive this.

Why the Russians Wanted Donald Trump

Trump has had Russian holdings and business arrangements for a long time. These arrangement started in the 80’s, when he started washing his casino cash in foreign banks, like so many corporate crooks and money launderers do. That’s when he first crossed paths with Russian Mafia plaers. These international players don’t want to pay less tax, they want to pay no tax! Why support American infrastructure if you don’t have to is Trump’s MO. Guilt? Not Trump! “I really don’t care”. That, I think, is why Melania selected that infamous jacket. It’s something she probably hears at home a lot.  

Putin knows Trump has had undeclared cash bank accounts overseas. Thats’ the main reason he was an ideal candidate for a rogue nation to support: Trump can easily be blackmailed for his past financial crimes. That’s also why he does not show his taxes. And rest assured Putin does not care about Americans. The democracy that America represents works against dictators who want to steal. And Trump won’t do anything to stop Putin because he is compromised or suborned, as the Russians call it. Trump also kind of likes what he is doing. It’s an ego trip that’s making him richer – so far at least. 

We all know there are many sold-out politicians who just don’t care about average Americans.  It’s a shame, but true. But only a self-centered egomaniac like Donald Trump would stoop to espionage and selling out his country to Russia for a buck. We have not had a traitor like Donald Trump since Benedict Arnold. 

Vladimir Putin is the biggest thief in the history of the world. He has stolen about 200 billion dollars from the existing businesses in Russia in the last 10 years. To carry his plan further and not get caught for what has been stolen, Putin needs the powerful democratic countries of the world to wither away. Weakened, they won’t have the means or resolve to stop his aggressive stealing and land grabs. ( i.e., Ukraine.)

Putin and Trump both supported Le Pen in France and the Russians tried to hack that election too. The French resisted successfully. And Boris Johnson, the Brexit candidate in the UK, was touted by Trump as being a fine candidate for prime minister. The truth is, democracy is just not good for dictators. It gets in the way of their stealing. What thief wants justice? Dictator’s United is the new Citizens United – and its game on, if we don’t stop it. 

Destroying the NATO alliance and democracies like the USA are major goals for dictators like Vladimir Putin. Because Trump is not happy with the few billion he has stolen so far, Trump is a complicit ally in Putin’s global domination projects. Like so many with greed disease, he wants more. Those who do not oppose Trump will eventually realize they have been duped in an effort to make fascism the dominant political force on the planet. Dictator’s United now has its sites on the USA – not just 3rd world countries. What they can’t conquer by force, they will attempt to temp conquer via puppet regimes. That’s pretty much what they have here with Trump. So far, the GOP senators are silent, so Russia is winning. But we can all do something about this soon. 

November 6th 2018 is the new American Independence Day. Be there. Raise your voice.


You know who THEM is.